Sleeveless dresses and shirts have become very popular due to Michelle Obama starting the trend since becoming first lady. However, not all office environments are appropriate for sleeveless dresses or shirts.
A wonderful item I found that makes the sleeveless option work is the Dress Shug at Talbot’s. The reason I favor this shug is because it is short and current looking. It does not have an old lady feel to it. In fact, I wore one over my black sleeveless dress to see Motown on Sunday with my sisters and their friends!
The question often comes up about whether or not you should color your hair. Coloring hair has become very popular for both men and women. And it is not just about covering the gray. Recently Michelle Obama was on the cover of Parade Magazine with golden highlights in her hair. Years ago, it was considered a theatrical move when an Asian or African American that colored their hair blond or red. Today it is just about a variety of looks.
The color one choses for the conservative environment is best when it is close to the natural look. For those who want to be more fashion focused, chose a color close to your color temperature. If you tend to be warm, going jet black may not be favorable to your skin or clothing choices.
Another example is that if you are very cool in color temperature, selecting a very warm hair color may look cheap. When Elizabeth Taylor when blond for a short period it did not enhance her natural skin tone or the color of her eyes.
There are few terms related to color mixes that you may want to be aware of:
• Monochromatic: Using the example colors black and white to create this look, it would be wearing a cream color top with white or dark gray with black. This creates an elegant and stylish appearance.
• Complimentary: Using 75% black and 25% white, for instance, might turn out to be a white shirt and black pants or black shirt and white pants—low key and smart looking.
• Analogous: Using three shades of black, black pants, shirt and sweater. It is also called Asymmetry. An example is what you sometimes see on the red carpet— a black tux, black shirt and black bow tie. This tends to be very dramatic whether using darks or bright colors.
When you put colors together you can have them create the statement you’re seeking to make.
Summer is upon us and the capris are shown everywhere as an alternative to shorts and skirts. My opinion is that capris can be very unflattering. They cut your legs off and can make you appear short and stumpy. I think the slim ankle length pant is much more flattering and smarter looking than capris.
If you must wear the capris, then pick a length that ends at the smallest part of your leg width and one that is closer to your body as opposed to the looser fitting, wide leg ones.
Remember we always want to be comfortable while at the same time enhancing our body shape. We want to avoid making ourselves appear larger and/or wider.
Posted on 01 May 2014 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Color, Grooming, Men's Appearance, Men's wardrobe, Personal Development, Professional Development, Shoes, Wardrobe, Women's Appearance, Women's Style and Fashion
Some of us
like a very streamlined appearance when choosing clothes. We want the impact of tailored elegance.
To add interest and to keep from looking too stark, remember key accessories and a perfect fit. Stylish heels for women and high gloss leather shoes for men will finish the complete look.
Posted on 29 April 2014 Comments (0)
Tags: Accessories, Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Color, communication, Leadership, Professional Development, Shoes, Wardrobe, Women's Appearance, Women's Style and Fashion
Lyn Paolo, the costume designer for Scandal, creates a commanding presence for Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope) by using these guidelines:
Choosing a palette: Men are always in navy and black. Her thoughts are that lighter colors stand out. (I favor lighter shades of blue or gray with white shirts to stand out for my clients.)
Ignoring trends: For Kerry, she looks stronger and more consistent in trousers, pumps and jackets. However, wear what looks best on you. If you look and feel best in skirts then wear skirts with jackets. Have the look be consistent.
Forgoing suits: Mix and match jackets and slacks or skirts to create a custom look. Colors can be mixed but fabrics must match to look smart.
Being understated: Have a signature piece. It can be a jacket, coat or jewelry. It will set you apart while not appearing too flashy.
In a recent article Midge Wilson, Ph.D., a professor of psychology and women’s studies at DePaul University, talks about the Power Bob hair style. Wilson says the bob is “somewhat of a masculine style” that strikes a balance that’s neither too butch nor too silly.
In a paper on hair and first impressions based on a study funded by Procter and Gamble, study director and Yale University psychology professor Marianne LaFrance, Ph.D., wrote, “Within seconds of meeting you, people begin forming a first impression about the type of person you are, and it’s not your face that gives you away; it’s your hairstyle.”
According to the study, women with shorter hair are perceived as more intelligent and confident than those with longer styles. (You can see Power Bobs on Marissa Mayer, Meg Whitman and Hillary Clinton.)
However, I feel the longer hair is making a move forward. For example, look at the new executive of General Motors, Mary Barra, along with Michelle Obama. Both have a hair style that’s a bit more feminine.
Whatever hairstyle you choose, though, it must make your face the center of attention and not your hair.
The new fashions for both men and women have made a splash with printss; mainly floras in women’s dresses and for men, plaid shirts and ties. How can you integrate prints in your wardrobe without looking like you belong at social event? (At social events you can push the envelope a bit.)
Floral blouses, sweaters and scarves for the women are best with a solid companion piece or displayed in accessories like a necklace or a pin. (Michelle Obama does this.) It’s a trend that seems to be gaining popularity.
Plaid shirts have gotten to be very bold going even so far as to be paired with a plaid print tie. It is considered modern prep. The more elegant way to add plaid is either in the shirt or the tie but not both at the same time. If you want to experiment, one plaid pattern must be larger in size. The main color should be reflected in both choices.
It is fun to add a trendy piece in pattern or color with the idea that it adds a contemporary elegance to your style.
The trend continues to be big and bright. However, there are many occasions in the business world where that might be too attention grabbing. At the same time you want to be current.
A way to update what you have in your jewelry box is to layer several necklaces together. To make it interesting, use different lengths and shapes. Make sure the necklaces are a few inches apart. An exception would be to use one strand that has an ornament (like a cross) on it. You can layer a thin chain on top of it.
If you decide to wear a new, chunky ornament necklace, wear it under an open collared blouse. (See my picture as an example.) Necklaces should add interest to what you wear and can be your signature to brighten up a suit.
In the movie Blue Jasmine, Cate Blanchette’s character, Jasmine, has fallen on hard times. She carries a Hermes bag which turns out to be her symbol.
What does the bag you carry, whether is a purse, brief case or backpack, say about you?
Recently, while waiting for my flight to see a client, I surveyed the bags folks carried. With the elegantly appearing men and women, their bags were never seemed overloaded. They were in good condition and in some cases bore an immediatly recognizable designer label.
However, there were too many folks who had over-stuffed bags and in some cases multiple bags. The old perception was that people with bags like that were hard workers. Today the thought is that they appear unorganized and a bit overwhelmed.
Then, there are the backpack folks. They are saying “I am current and I am cool”. My thought was: When do you give up your college days?