Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

Change One Thing is a superb book that gives excellent advice to help jumpstart your engine." Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Archive: Relationship Building

New Virtual Team

Virtual meetings present multiple challenges. This is especially true for new team members who are being introduced (virtually) to an existing team with a history of working together. Virtual introductions can be made easier by offering time in the first meeting for individuals to really get to know each other before business begins. An interactive discussion is helpful. Ask the team for suggestions as to how best to interact as a new team.

Virtual Conflict

It is easy to be misunderstood in virtual meetings. Facial cues and tone of voice are more difficult to discern. In order to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflict, try to ask questions without making judgements. When differences in opinions or viewpoints arise, offer another point of view as a way to create like thinking. Keeping these tactics in mind during virtual meetings will help to create a strong team.

Don’t Act Like the Smartest Person in the Room

Egos are fragile. The wisest person is the one without a glaring ego. How does one keep it in check? Be aware of the trigger or triggers, such as speaking without letting another person have a voice. Surround yourself with individuals who bring talent to the table. Don’t hire individuals who agree too much with you. Seek honest feedback, even when it hurts. Remember not to act like the smartest person in the room.

Communication Guidelines

When putting a team together, it is wise to create a communication guideline questionnaire. The questionnaire should indicate expectations, timelines, and communication vehicle preferences (ex. email, phone, or text). Each team member should put their expectations down on paper. These guidelines would be discussed at the first team meeting. Together, the team decides what works best in order for the team to be an effective group. The majority should rule, with personal exceptions. When working from home, it is best to have determined hours.


Important Business Lunches

Business lunches are best left to get to know each other and to begin to build a flow of a relationship. It is a time to set some common goals in an informal way. Some pitfalls to avoid are not checking in with the client regarding their time guidelines, such as the time to meet and the length of time to meet. Be sure to consider where they might like to eat. Choose a place with a relaxing setting, that is quiet enough for a conversation, and can accommodate any dietary considerations they may have. Invitations must have been sent based on their scheduling needs. Conversation is light. Talk business only if the guest brings it up in conversation. Controversial subjects are best avoided.

Who Do You Know? – Building Capital for a Reserve

Changing business climates causes tremendous movement in organizations. Some business are merging, some are reducing their number of employees, others are being sold to another group. It is critically important in these times to have and to develop personal capital. Personal/Professional capital has many elements. The most important factor is who knows you. Who can be one of your champions? Champions are individuals who will recommend you as a go-to person for high-profile projects, help you grow as professional, and help you succeed in view of the decision makers. Personal capital also increases when you volunteer for projects and your input and assistance results in success.

Greeting – Making a Good First Impression

The individuals who consistently are well liked and respected are the ones who always greet those around them with a smile. Recently, I attended a family function with a combination of two different families. Members of the families did not know each other. One of the couples arrived and did not say hello because they were in the midst of a disagreement with a member of the other family. What does that say about the first impression they made on people they did not know—or even on people who knew them well? It took the group nearly two days to warm up to each other. If the couple had walked in, said hello, and stopped for a few minutes to chat, everyone may have warmed up more quickly and been more comfortable.

Be On Time

Arriving on time or early to a commitment you’ve made is a key element of being a true professional. Recently, an organization I was working with told me that one of their major complaints was about people who were always late—whether to work, meetings, or interviews. Some people think that being late indicates they have high demands on their time (which may be true). However, it shows a lack of respect for the individuals they keep waiting and the time those individuals are wasting while waiting. Being late discounts a person’s professionalism and any capital, they may have previously earned.


The term “RSVP” is the abbreviation of the French phrase Réspondez s’il vous plait. It means “Please respond” – and it seems to be a dying habit. For years it was taken for granted that people would respond. Today, it’s a rarity to receive a response to an invitation. Non-responses are typical. Recently, I attended an event where the host had to track down invitees who had not responded. Why the rudeness? Not RSVPing shows a lack of etiquette and courtesy. It is good manners to respond within 24 hours of receiving the invite—even if just to say that you are not sure you are able to attend. After receiving the email invite regarding the recent event, I let the host know I might not be able to attend due to having a conflict with another event. The host was thrilled to receive the “maybe”. True professionals respond to their emails within 24 hours. One organization’s CEO has the firm rule that her staff members answer communications within 24 hours. It is a good rule for individuals and for businesses.


Connections work (hard work still helps)

It’s always been who knows you not who you know. The who knows you is your capital in business as well as socially. Building deep relationships through regular contact is best. However, because of busy schedules, getting together for a cup of coffee is not always doable. Being involved in activities where natural connections are made through committee memberships or event participation works best.