Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

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Archive: Women’s Appearance

The impact of eye contact

eyeEye contact is always important in these situations:

• When first meeting a person, good eye contact gives an instant connection. In some cases it is how you will be remembered.

• When you are presenting, eye contact helps you engage each member of the audience. Even if you cannot see them, they can see you.

• When you are having a very intense conversation, whether sad or happy, the impact of it will be felt with serious eye contact.



Name Tag Visibility Do’s and Don’ts

name tag


• Do wear a name tag on your left side. The reason for this is so when the person shakes your hand they can easily read your name.

• Say your name when shaking hands to help the person remember it.

• If the name tag is on a string or lanyard, wear it chest high so it’s easy to see.


• Don’t wear it so it sits at the middle of your stomach or below.

• Don’t put it in your pocket so no one can see it.


The no-color nail polish

I have always belieNails 2ved that nails look more professional with color polish. However, nails can be made to look worse even with nail polish, if the cuticles are unattractive.

My nails have always been a challenge because I have very dry and unattractive cuticles that are continually aggravated by nail polish. So, I have gone cold turkey and started getting manicures without nail color.

That being said, your hands and nails must look well taken care of. They must enhance your overall professional impact. This also means that you probably need to stay away from distracting polish colors and designs.

Remember, though, that if you go decide to go without nail polish entirely, you must stay vigilant in keeping your nails clean because polish hides the dirt that accumulates underneath them.


What does your name badge do?

name tagI remember how I use to dislike having to wear a name badge. Now, years later, the name tag has become a must in networking sessions because it helps me remember someone’s name.

However, at a recent event, while each of us wrote our names on the tags, probably 90% of the names were difficult to read!

When writing your name on a name badge, print your first name only (and maybe the first initial of your last name) using large letters. That’s because most name tags are not large enough to print your first and last name. You can always share your last name at the appropriate time.


Wearing the new big bib necklace

polished-stone-bib-necklace_032909Cheryl Burton, ABC Chicago evening news anchor, wore an aqua blue multi-shaped bib necklace with a sleeveless scooped neckline coral dress. She looked stunning. The scooped neckline gave the necklace space to be featured. Cheryl also chose a complementary color so the necklace was balanced with the coral dress. If she had chosen to wear a black dress the necklace might not have looked as stylish.

If you choose the appropriate neckline and color to balance a bib necklace, you will wear the necklace; the necklace will not wear you.



The rise of the two inch pump

heels-faux-leather-top-bow-decoration-chunky-heels-004850_3Enough of the stiletto heels. Even Jessica Sarah Parker of Sex in the City has a foot problem due to wearing them. In fact, that’s the reason for the recent popularity of the two inch stacked heel—because women are realizing the three to four- inch pumps can cause major foot and ankle problems.

Over time, wearing high heels can shorten calf as well as back muscles, leading to pain and spasms.

“Any time you wear shoes that restrict the natural shape of your foot, you’re at risk for experiencing pain,” noted physician, Dr. Nevins, points out. According to him, many women who wear high heels often also suffer a shortening of the Achilles tendon because once the heel is pointed upwards, it tightens up. Stretching it again or switching to flats can be very painful and even lead to plantar fasciitis.

Wearing the two-inch stacked heel will save your back and feet. Now, with Tory Busch and other notable shoe designers re-introducing them, you have a chance to be stylish too.



Business casual for everyone

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARecently I was asked what business casual meant regarding dress. Is it the similar for all industries? Does it apply the same way to everyone in that profession?

Business casual will always be confusing just because it is not viewed the same way for all business professions.

Here are some guidelines:

Professional Services (Finance and Accounting)

• Polished and upscale

– Tops include oxford shirts and sweater sets in heavier fabrics and shapes

– Slacks in fabrics (like gabardine) that shape the body

– Shoes in polished leather or microfiber


• More relaxed

– Tops include knit shirts and simple blouses with or without collars

– Slacks in cotton or linen

– Shoes can be more casual – sporty styles

Never wear wrinkled or torn clothing. Stay away from sweatshirts, cut offs and clothing that reveals too much skin.

If you are a female in management, a piece of signature jewelry is good.

For a male manager consider a tie, sweater vest and high-end accessories.

Follow these guidelines and your business casual attire will not be mistaken for weekend wear.


Stylish clunky shoes

SumDansko 7631937mer time is great for stylish sandals. However, there can be a problem for women who cannot wear sandals because they lack support. This especially affects those have to insert orthotic insoles which take an extra size shoe.

Just recently I was with a client who experienced this issue. To cope with it, she wore clunky, wide, comfort shoes. But they looked like black work shoes. I recommended she buy colorful shoes because they would look funky but fun. Dansko is a wonderful brand with fun styles that turn what may be unattractive shoes into a pair of stylish footwear.


Sense of Confidence

When Samantha takes a walk, she always starts full of the potential excitement of her adventure. Her head is held high and her gaze is straight ahead, eyes shining with great anticipation about what she might see. For those of you who know, Samantha is my bison (you can see her picture on the far upper right corner).a winner

Wouldn’t it be great if each time you walked into a room, you had the good anticipatory feeling of exploring something new? It projects in your body, facial expressions and even your walk. It is the aura of confidence and creates a wonderful first impression.


Facebook Do’s and Don’ts

Facebook_like_thumbThe charm of Facebook is that it helps folks express themselves and engage those with like minds. It can also provide some self-insight:


• Talk about only positive experiences

• Select profile photos that have a professional, casual, friendly look

• Post pictures that involve others only if you have permission to use them


• Never write anything off-color

• Never post any pictures that are risqué

• Never say anything negative about a product or person

You always want to present positive vibes because what you post has a long internet life. Following these few simple guidelines will help ensure that your Facebook posts will only enhance your image.