Posted on 06 June 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Accessories, Anna's Posts, Foot wear style, Men's Appearance, Men's business casual, Men's style and wardrobe, Men's wardrobe, Women Business Casual, Women Wardrobe, Women's Appearance, Women's Style and Fashion
White has been in style for the last two years. In 2016, it hit in athletic shoes and in recently replacing sandals especially for men. Give credit to the shoe designers. We have seen the colored footwear boom in everything from bright orange to screaming yellow hues. Smart designers decided to add a white and it became a trend. It makes sense because you can wear white with any color outfit. The new white shoe is not clunky so add it to your closet!
How many times do we put on the perfect outfit for a special occasion and are shocked when it does not look or feel right? It is important to try on that special outfit at least twice to ensure it is the right one. Secondly, if the occasion is really special, have a backup ready just in case. Weather changes or weight gains can take us all by surprise.
I do believe a wonderful statement necklace on a woman projects the same presence as a man wearing tie. A necklace, like a tie, draws attention to the face. It frames the face and adds diversity in color and shape.
For the necklace to have the same effect as a man’s tie, it must lay close to the collar bone. It needs boldness with color, the stones or the metal. A long necklace can have the same effect if it contains more than three strands.
Having just been to a black tie affair, I saw women wearing dresses in street, tea and formal length. There were strapless tops and jackets worn with pants. Men have the luxury of wearing a tuxedo for the black tie event and a dark suit for the black tie optional. Dressing for black tie or black tie optional used to have different meanings for women but now, women have the freedom to wear almost anything that has an evening look to it whether it’s a dress or a dressy pants suit.
I think of three things when choosing the right black tie outfit: knowing what the event norm is, making sure the outfit is comfortable and preparing at least two choices for the event. This is so that if there is a temperature change, I am ready!
Often, folks ask if they should get a custom suit or shirt made instead of buying off the rack. The reason is that they want clothing to fit their body shape perfectly. If you had an unlimited funds and the time to find the right custom clothier this can be done.
Recently a comment was made about Hillary Clinton’s clothing. Some say it is better than the colored pants suits (that looked like a rainbow of popsicles) she used to wear. This year, some say she looks like a CEO and others say the clothes appear too homemade. The real issue is probably her lack of time and the job of always being on stage everyday while on the campaign trail.
Also, Hilary wants to make sure it is not about her clothes, first, and secondly, her body type adds pounds in front of the camera. Most of her clothing has been tailored for her but it appears that she lacks the time to always get it right. My hope is that her go-to person for her “look” is taking notes and watching videos so the clothing gets adjusted to ensure it fits and moves right. Hillary’s preferences also count for a lot. My thought is that she wants to feel good 24 hours a day. Hillary has my vote in that she gets it right about 80% of the time.
Christmas red is very popular during the holiday season when see an explosion of the color. We find that the more reds we see in lights and decorations, the more our spirits get lifted… it’s beautiful!
Wearing reds can be a nice way to celebrate the holidays; however, when I see someone wearing red shoes, red stockings and a red suit… I say No, No, No!
To keep in the spirit, keep the red suit, dump the red shoes and stockings or keep the red shoes, stockings and skirt and wear black on top. I also love the red-beaded necklace on a black dress. A touch of red, especially around the neck, for the holidays is fun.
It’s very unpleasant to be wearing newly stained clothing.
There are two great products to have on hand to immediately use after an incident that will help you stay spotless.
Scotch Guard works terrifically by spraying it lightly on clothing (except silk). It works well with cotton, wool and synthetics by preventing stains from being absorbed into fabric.
Another great product is the Tide spot remover pen. I keep it in my glove compartment so when I recently noticed a stain on my sweater, I was able to remove it immediately while en route and remain spotless for my next appointment!
At a recent program for women. I was the keynote speaker. A question came up around whether it’s appropriate to use leggings for everyday wear. Many women today like leggings because they are popular, comfortable and easy to wear. However, they are not pants. Maybe when wearing a longer, three-quarter length jacket that hangs to the calf, leggings could squeak by but skinny pants add more polish and style and provide a very smooth finish. They are a much better choice than leggings. Spanx has leggings, that when worn, look like pants.
Shoe designers have us coming and going. What shoes should we wear for each occasion? Recently a major department store had a sale: buy one pair and get one free. What a genius idea and seductive way to reduce a shoe inventory and get us to go nutty buying shoes we do not need!
Recently I was getting ready to go to a conference. My biggest challenge was how could I limit my shoes to four pairs? You need shoes to workout, a dressy dinner event, a gala and then to host a meeting. Also, the conference center was a mile away from the rooms. Why couldn’t I just bite the bullet and wear workout shoes the whole time? After all, athletic shoes in all colors are the rage.
I did end up bringing too many shoes but my feet felt good as my image!
Posted on 29 September 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Color, Culture, Derailers, Leadership Presence, Men's Appearance, Men's wardrobe, Women Wardrobe, Women's Appearance, Women's Style and Fashion
It is not easy to dress for the masses, especially on television. In today’s race for the White house, the male candidates have it much easier. Their choices are simple because it comes down to the shirt and tie combination. Their main battle is the fit of the jacket. President Obama has his suits tailored to fit him so he always looks elegant and crisp. He is also tall and slim, so his main issue is look stately and in command in an approachable manner.
For the heavy set candidate, it can be difficult to not look rumbled and clown-like. Women, on the other hand, have an even more difficult task. Their clothing choices are either too bland or tend to look matronly. Another challenge is that they must look feminine but like they’re still in command.
Television will add at least 20 pounds so clothing choices must accent the slim side of women. We are now in the midst of a presidential campaign so look for the dress style wins in the candidates and learn from those that miss the mark.