Anna Soo Wildermuth

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Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

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Archive: Wardrobe

Holiday wear – when is it too much?

Recently, I saw the ultimate holiday outfit, patterned coat, hat, scarf and mittens. This person was young and she looked cute.

Holiday wear for some is a tradition and other clothing comes off a bit hokey.

At its best, holiday wear should put a smile on the person who is wearing it and a smile on those who see it. These are a few of my guidelines. One piece is enough for me and my preference is in the color. I love red this time of the year, whether in a scarf, hat or necklace.

Loving color

I wear color brights when working out because it is fun and most athletic shirts are found in multiple colors. Interestingly, my professional clothing tends to be in grays with a touch of a primary color. The dramatic colors come out when presenting in a large venue.

Nikki Haley, the recently resigned US Ambassador to the United Nations, is a fabulous role model for using color to her advantage. When speaking or representing the US she wore navy and gray colors, suggesting a most valued player. When speaking to the press or moving around New York, Niki wore her famous bright dramatic pink in a dress or coat combination. Remember, as you select dramatic color clothing pieces, the fabrics and cuts must possess high quality and design, or they will look cheap and costume like.

Perfect length for pants

The perfect length for an ankle pant is when the pant covers the ankle, or the ankle just slightly shows. The Lafayette fashion show got it right. Their models wore the correct length with those pants. When the pant length is too short, it looks dowdy and makes the person look heavy.

For wide leg pants, hems should just touch the top of the shoe. They should not puddle or break (which means the pant folds on the shoe). The only pant with a break or that slightly puddles is one with a straight full leg.

How short is short – hems on pants

Recently while out with a client, I noticed her straight full leg pants were short and not short enough to look fashionable. They looked like a fashion snafu. This is a challenge because many new pants shorter while the pant could be wide or narrow. The problem is that the look is dumpy if not worn correctly.

The issue is also based on the color and style of the pant especially around how it falls on the ankle with shoes on. For women, the hem should just lay on the ankle of the leg. The only time you can play with this guideline is by wearing a boot or hose that matches the pant and shoe. With men, the slacks with suits tend to be very narrow and do not break, so they never touch the shoe.

Jackets and shoulders

The manner in which a jacket fits on the shoulder is critical because it proportionally balances the way the rest of jacket looks. The seams need to align at the spot the shoulder connects to the arm. The jacket model must have the appropriate design.

If a person has a full chest, it is better to choose a garment which offers the fuller chest fit. In suits for men, the model is an athletic cut where the chest area is ampler. There are many styles today that satisfy all shapes and sizes.

What is your uniform?

A recent MSNBC business program featured icons and their uniforms including Steve Jobs with his black turtleneck and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg with a gray tee shirt. I recall that when DreamWorks was formed, Steven Spielberg wore a bomber jacket, David Geffen sported a mock tee, and David Katzenberg of Disney favored the shirt and tie.

The point is that there appears to be an unwritten rule of notable leaders branding themselves with clothing including a client CEO of a Fortune 500 company who always donned a jacket and skirt. All these folks wore their uniforms well, seemed comfortable, and stayed consistent because a uniform must be comfortable and fit well.

While on a project for an automobile company, we ensured that front-line employees uniform choices represented the company and the employee well. We focused on pride in wearing clothes that were comfortable and easy to care for. Many top companies make this investment when providing uniforms for front-line staff. Make sure you invest in yourself in your uniform.

Print explosions

Recently, a well-known designer sold out a dress with a flower pattern on half of the dress and stripes on the other side. It was a shirt dress style designed to be worn in a business casual or party event setting. This major pattern style change shattered the mold of a small pattern with a stripe. This new trend has yet to make it to the next season. However, it fits with the current pattern explosion in dresses and men and women’s shirts. The one rule of the thumb is that the person should be wearing the clothing, not the clothing wearing the person.

The black dress has many lives

An essential piece for the complete wardrobe is a versatile black dress. Recently, a client called in a panic. She needed a black dress for a very serious occasion and has worked herself into a state of panic. We bought a black dress with a jacket about 15 years ago, but she never wore it. She took it out, tried it on (it still fit), and brought to the cleaners for their one-day service. She found her pearls, dark hose, and black shoes making her ready for the occasion the next day! She was relieved at rediscovering the perfect dress she already vetted rather than having to go through the stressful process of rush-buying a new dress.

The Thomas Wolfe brand

A recent New York Time’s article covered the late Tom Wolfe, his choice of suits, and his white suit. The white suit, while not in fashion, set him apart from the crowd. This clothing reflected his internal and external style including his writings and larger than life personality. The clothing choices also distinguished Mr. Wolfe from a group of very successful writers.

Use a signature brand, whether with clothing, or as in the case of Anna W of Vogue, her famous haircut. The individuals above possessed the stuff to back up their signature style and long-term successes throughout several decades.

Prints, patterns and flowers

nmilanidesigns_patterns_01Prints, patterns, and flowers are making a presence in dresses, blouses, and shirts and in styles big, small, and mix and match separates. I personally prefer other prints, but I do like adding variety to my clothing choices. They way to do that is to select fabrics with texture and pronounced color weaves. If I ever decide to incorporate flowers in my wardrobe, it will most likely be with scarves.