Number two is a lesson from an expert who should know better from the countless times I helped men and women pack for business and pleasure. When it came to packing for myself, my own advice took a trip to forgotten land! Bringing us to lesson two- remember the do’s and don’ts of packing.
Don’t pack with the idea that you will be attending similar events during the entire trip
Don’t pack for one-season weather
Don’t pack a wardrobe you have not tried on
Do pack for multiple different events, whether they include hiking, dining at a five-star restaurant or eating at seaside café
Do pack for different temperatures, from the very cold, to the very warm and for precipitation, rain and possibly snow
Do pack only things you have recently tried on to ensure they fit
Do pack outfits and multiple colors that coordinate with each other
Do these things and you will not be traveling fashion disaster!
For those on the road more than three times a month for business or pleasure, here’s a refresher on what to pack. Always have a quick-start kit of toiletries, packed and to ready to go. Every third trip, refresh the see through bag with items, such as certain hair or grooming products (women– makeup) (men- shaving and colognes), that may need substituting or replacing.
Keep some zip lock plastic bags in different sizes around. They are very useful to pack items that may leak (The Container Store also carries leak proof bottles.) or food/beverages you could not finish in the airport. Try to pack items in clear cases. I find Travel Smith is a great tool to pick up some new ideas on practical packing.
Posted on 30 July 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Business Etiquette, Career Killers, Civility, Leadership Presence, Personal Development, Professional Development, Travel
You may have heard the expression “musical chairs”… well, I have a new one “musical times”. This refers to individuals who continually move times and days for appointments because their schedules constantly change. In addition, folks who do this, never seem to arrive at the designated appointment times anyway.
This is the number one career killer in my mind. Being on time is being respectful and professional. Years ago, I was coaching with a number of account managers. While waiting in the executive dining room for the client, the hostess said while the clients were always on time, it was the managers who were always late.
When you are late, it sends a message your time is more important than the person you are meeting. Recently, I worked with coaching client who was always on time for scheduled appointments. I let her know how impressive it was and that it showed true leadership skills. The client told me that her staff and boss complimented her on it also.
Being on time sends a message you are managing your time effectively which is a the sign of a true professional.
Posted on 19 August 2014 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Business Etiquette, Culture, Derailers, Grooming, Health Issues, Lifestyle, Men's Appearance, Professional Development, Travel, Women's Appearance
A recent Face
book posting showed a woman having one foot up on the arm of the seat in front of her. Please! But maybe the women had a leg problem. I would have asked the flight attendant to move her to a row where there was an empty seat so she could put her foot up.
This brings me to men who take off their shoes and have a pronounced odor coming from their feet. I get it if is a long flight but ask for a pair of slippers or bring a pair with you.
Food smells are another problem. If you are going to bring food on the plane to eat choose items that do not have a strong odors. Be a good airline travel pal.
A sign of a we
ll-organized professional is what they carry when going into a meeting or on the road. It should be one brief case or a backpack and not be over-stuffed.
For women, if you carry a handbag plus a brief or laptop case, the handbag should be no larger than the case you carry.
Remember that a handbag will add weight especially if it is oversized. Less is always more elegant.
These last few months I have been in and out of airports twice a week and am constantly intrigued at the fashion smarts and disasters.
Here are a few of both:
Fashion Smarts:
– White shirts with casual slacks or jeans – still a classic look for men and women
– Sharp looking carry-on bags in a multitude of colors with both soft and hard shells
– Slimmer looking pants for both men and women
– Jackets are still popular and they project a finished, elegant look
Fashion Disasters:
– Long beach skirts with flip flops
– Anything with flip flops
– Worn out baseball hats
– Short shorts on folks over 25-years of age
– Sweat pants
There is no reason to look like you are cleaning out the garage or headed for the beach when you are travelling. There are many styles and fabrics that you can be comfortable wearing and still look well put together.