Posted on 13 April 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, Coaching, communication, Leadership, Listening, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building
Joe Lacob, the majority owner of the Golden State Warriors, has worked in venture capital for three decades. This season, Lacob’s sixth as majority owner, the Warriors are on pace to break the league record of 72 wins in a season (which is just 82 games long). I’m a professional listener,” he told me. “There are a lot of smart people in the world, you know. I’m not the smartest. I’m just an integrator.” We can all learn from Joe Lacob.
Posted on 31 March 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Body Language, Business Etiquette, Business Social Etiquette, Career Builders, communication, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building, Social Etiquette
How many times have you not been introduced when in a group? To overcome that and become visible is to introduce yourself. This helps the person who might have forgotten a name or two while simultaneously getting make you noticed. This is also how you become visible in a networking situation when meeting with new folks. Remember to add a smile before you even open your mouth, especially when riding on an elevator!
Posted on 29 March 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, Coaching, communication, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building, Speaking Skills
Recently in a class, the instructor said: I don’t mean to be so direct and abrupt in giving feedback but it is because I want to catch the moment when the correction is made. Well, as good as that sounds, if you are a seasoned professional or just starting out as a coach, mentor or instructor you will go a long way if you using inclusivity in your feedback. Instead of saying something like “It is definitely the wrong approach”, you might say: “A different approach might work like this…”
When you are demeaned, it erects a wall of defense and emotional turmoil gets in the way of what might be a learning experience. Years ago, I learned from a top producer who was quite mean while training me. Did I get it, I sure did. But the scars remain and whenever someone reminds me of her, I run in the opposite direction!
Posted on 25 March 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Body Language, Career Builders, communication, Facial Expressions, Leadership Presence, Presentation Visual Impact, Professional Development, Relationship Building
Recently, I met with a senior leader who engaged me to work with a high potential member of the team he viewed as a potential successor. The problem is that this potential only shows up at important functions and meetings. Otherwise, he may be there somewhat physically but definitely not present at all mentally. My point is that every time you are in front of someone you must be in the moment. Often you are judged in everyday situations rather than the high visibility ones. How you engage everyday both visually and verbally are keys to building positive relationships which lead to success in every aspect of business and social intercourse.
An interview occurs every time you are in front of someone and not just formally. In fact, most of the time interviews are informal which can be just as important. You should think of them as practice so that when you have a real interview the practice ends up paying off. Think this way so that when you are in the real deal, you will be natural and bring your best self to the table.
Probably close to 100% of the time, when you get the chance to interview, the interviewer has an idea about your background because someone already vetted you. Your role is to engage the interviewer so h/she can see you as a leader and a member of their team. In the interview process, your message is to share your experiences and say what you will bring to the table. Most of the time, when someone fails the interview, it’s because a relationship did not materialize or that the wrong kind of bonding occurred. Listening also plays a key part in making all interviews successful interactions.
A critical component of an insightful leader is coaching. Motivating and inspiring those on your team to make decisions that help make a difference is a wonderful gift.
It’s valuable to gather team members or peers to see the bigger picture so they are working together to understand multiple viewpoints. Asking appropriate questions that answer who, what, when and where is the first thing. The next coaching skill is critically listening to words and intent. It’s rewarding to observe and help people think a situation through and gently guide them to a decision they can own.
Posted on 05 February 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, Career Killers, communication, Derailers, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building
It is easy to get caught up in issues not related to team objectives. Often, in teams, we get caught up in differences of opinions between members. People then begin to separate because folks are taking sides. As the leader, you must stay out of the drama and let the parties involved resolve their differences. It is natural for team members to expect you to solve the problem, instead, insist they resolve it themselves. They may or may not come to a resolution but if they don’t, they may just agree to disagree which is fine.

It is easy to select peers for a team because they possess similarities to you in thoughts and in backgrounds. However, the most productive teams and best work situations are ones where everyone comes from different backgrounds and even processes information differently. For example, it’s good for those who like to socialize to team with task-driven folks. It encourages different points of view. Too many companies reorganize by numbers and by what appears good on paper instead of really communicating with all affected parties. Working with different thoughts from disparate viewpoints creates more dynamic and productive outcomes and that’s beneficial for all stakeholders.

In a recent New York Times article, the President of International Markets at MasterCard, Ann Carins, suggested that team chemistry was not about everyone being the same type but to ensure that every team member understands what each other brings to the table. If they can challenge each other, be respectful and maintain a safe environment, it will bring out the best in each of them as well as in the team results.
Posted on 28 January 2016 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, Civility, Honesty, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building
Many companies go through changes which may mean laid off co-workers or staff with changed assignments which can leave long-term team members anxious. The best thing to do is to wish them well. Let them know how much you have enjoyed working together and if you are close to the person, give contact permission. Always maintain a positive dialog. Someday, it could be you who is affected by company changes.