To help prepare a successful speech or presentation, use the 5 P’s as a guideline. Before beginning, consider the purpose for the speech or presentation. Find your passion for the subject. The “P” for preparation doesn’t just involve preparing for your speech, it includes doing homework about the audience. Without this preparation, the other 4 P’s will not have the intended results. Be sure to practice by running through the presentation until you are comfortable. Your performance and familiarity with the subject will be key as to how your speech is received. Keeping the 5 P’s in mind will help to ensure success.
A cover letter for a resume is a hook that captures the reader’s interest. The letter should encourage the reader to want to review your resume, to go through the information about you, and to add your name to the top of the list for an interview. A cover letter should consolidate your background, highlight key strengths, offer career goals and value-added propositions, and illustrate your positive personal qualities. A cover letter helps orient the reader before looking at your resume. It is the reader’s first impression of you—and you want that impression to be a good one.
Posted on 06 May 2020 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Career Builders, communication, Confidence, Confidence Builders, Emtional Intelligence, Interviewing skills, Marketing, Media, Professional Development
For individuals in transition between jobs, this is the time to practice your virtual interview skills. Here are some helpful tips for a successful virtual interview. First, prepare an introduction (approximately one minute long). Next, prepare yourself to answer the following questions:
- Why are you the right fit for the organization? What about your attributes and experiences makes you the best candidate for the role?
- What is a succinct example that illustrates you have the qualities needed to make a difference and contribute towards the organization’s success?
Record yourself three times. Then watch your recordings and pick the best one to send to colleagues for review. Pinterest and Instagram are wonderful resources to find information as to what to wear and what to say.
These guidelines will help prepare you for a virtual interview or a phone interview. Just like preparing for an in-person interview, you need to think ahead. In these times, you also need to consider your virtual presence
Using social media tools can help individuals feel engaged with the outside world. Posting items can open the door to your world and that of others – helping to make and to keep connections. Posting personal pictures of pets, flowers, and food items are fun ways for individuals to enjoy a connection with another person, even if only virtually. Many people also find that asking for help or posting questions for reactions is useful.
Professional pictures should be updated every three years or sooner, especially if there is a drastic change with hair color, etc. I am ashamed to say, like the plumber who has a leaking faucet, that I haven’t updated my picture in five years. First, in my defense, I like my current picture. So why change it? Pinterest is a wonderful resource to get ideas for poses, color choices in wardrobe, and thoughts for what you want your picture to look like. Looking at ideas ahead of time, helped me to be more relaxed and focused on the pose, clothing choices, makeup, and facial expressions – such as how big of a smile works best. Using my camera to take selfies for clothing choices, makeup, and eyewear choices before the session took place helped ensure I was well prepared. Attached is my new professional picture.
Building relationships takes time with folks getting to know you from a professional side first. Second, you can interact virtually by speaking to their responses. Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to expand the knowledge circle. Each media has a distinct culture and purpose, making it important to match your information sharing goals. The main purpose is to get folks to know you and you to know them by sharing personal and professional sides of each other.
Posted on 20 June 2014 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Business Etiquette, Career Builders, communication, Culture, Derailers, E-Mail, Leadership, Media, Professional Development, Relationship Building, Written Communications
Recently I was involved in a project and the coordinator corresponded with me via e-mail. The e-mails were less than friendly. They were quite terse and in some cases a bit accusatory when answering my questions. For example, one comment was- why are you asking these questions – did you not read my last e-mail?
I was shocked when meeting her in person. She was a very nice person, very sincere and quite helpful. My point is that it may be a good idea to read your e-mails out loud before sending. Is the tone reflective of your intent? This is why US Today has said so many problems are caused by e-mail. Maybe had this person and I had a face to face meeting or even a phone conversation, I would not have developed a negative perception of her.
Posted on 08 June 2013 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Business Etiquette, Civility, communication, Culture, Interviewing skills, Leadership, Media, Men's Appearance, Women's Appearance
Eye contact is always important in these situations:
• When first meeting a person, good eye contact gives an instant connection. In some cases it is how you will be remembered.
• When you are presenting, eye contact helps you engage each member of the audience. Even if you cannot see them, they can see you.
• When you are having a very intense conversation, whether sad or happy, the impact of it will be felt with serious eye contact.

• Do wear a name tag on your left side. The reason for this is so when the person shakes your hand they can easily read your name.
• Say your name when shaking hands to help the person remember it.
• If the name tag is on a string or lanyard, wear it chest high so it’s easy to see.
• Don’t wear it so it sits at the middle of your stomach or below.
• Don’t put it in your pocket so no one can see it.
I recently attended an awards ceremony where a number of women received recognition for their business and good citizen’s achievements. Each was featured in the program. I felt it was surprising when each of them went up to receive their awards because only a few looked like their photos. Some had aged significantly or their physical shapes had taken on another life either up or down. Now granted, some folks don’t change, but clothing styles do as does how one poses for a head shot. These are some tips to insure your photo is current.
A photo:
• Should not be more than four years old
• Should be replaced if your hair coloring or style changes drastically (like from a blond to a red head)
• Should be updated if you gain or lose more than 20 pounds
You always want to look like you just stepped out of your photo when someone first meets you.