What is the trigger or triggers that confirm you are in the much fabled zone of doing nothing wrong? Do you sense the zone from the calmness of your breathing, steadiness in your hands or acute awareness of the positive things surrounding you?
This reminds me of playing in golf tournaments when my swing is in the groove. That is when the golf ball goes straight and the putts go in on the first stroke. The zone is also the time to push yourself a bit more whether on the links, presenting to a small group or speaking to thousands!

A recent Chicago Tribune business section piece discussed mental muscle. I turned it into a checklist on things successful people do:
1.They refuse to dwell on mistakes.
2.They control their emotions
3.They are good at change
4.They focus only on things they can change
5.They please only themselves – not everyone else
6.They take calculated risks
7.They learn from their mistakes
8.They enjoy the success of others
9.They never give up after a mistake
10.They have the patience for long term results
I like this list because it supports my full potential for success.
Information overload is a killer because it can jumble the true issues. Setting a timeline and a process to gather data are the first critical steps to ensure enough data is gathered. Doing the early research to determine what and how much information is needed sets you on the right path to completion. The timeline of when the project or report is due also acts as a finish line. Duplicate and / overwhelming information will only complicate the end result.
I love the program Yes, for the Dress. I love Randy and the stylists that are featured. I also find the family dynamics around the bride to be very interesting. Kleinfeld consultants are there to sell a wedding dress but most importantly, the bride must be happy with the purchase. If the bride is not happy, the consultants empathize and let them think overnight about which dress works best.
What I find amazing is that after trying on 50 or more dresses whether at Kleinfeld or another shop, some brides still struggle to decide! I believe that means the decision is not just about the dress anymore but more about the marriage. If you cannot flip the switch to buy a dress, can you probe for the real issues? I use these brides as case studies for clients who seem to have the same behaviors.
Often, folks presenting start with the details and eventually get to the point. However, presenters who begin with the end in mind and then wait for a reaction from the audience can discuss the supporting points based on that audience response, tend to deliver a more impactful message. They show their audience respect and allow them to ask better informed questions.

Many leaders that are afraid of failing, end up failing by not taking risks. They play it safe by choosing the path of least resistance for success. The leaders willing to be creative and explore options not guaranteed to win end up winning. They know that failure is a learned event on the path to more successful wins.
Pairing up in a team situation with a partner that is opposite of you will be frustrating at times. However, a broader picture will emerge. A team is best when made of opposite thinking patterns as long as everyone focuses on ways to achieve the best end result.
Functioning with a partner opposite in thought and energy is done by establishing ground rules on when to call a timeout. My experience of a few years ago comes to mind. Each member conducted an assessment when a new team was formed. We ended up pairing each other with an opposite communication style partner. This enabled the team to garner significant insight on dealing with client projects.
Recently the news has featured constant dialog about the phrase alternative truth / facts. In my work, I have noticed that some clients struggle to face hard facts like not missing deadlines, poor work performance and grasping real truths. I think these people are headed for career growth disappointment. Until they can truly be honest with themselves by letting go of the spin, they will lack the credibility and respect of their peers and peers are who senior leaders look to for validating promotions. Unfortunately, fact deniers may end up without a role in any organization.
Posted on 21 March 2017 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, communication, Interpersonal skills, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building
Expressing a sense of humor with truth but not in a mean-spirited way, goes far. This helps in the continually depressing news cycles. The late-night hosts usually succeed in spinning depressing news in an intelligent way while using a touch of humor. This helps negate the dark stories, just a little.
Posted on 16 March 2017 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Killers, communication, Honesty, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development, Speaking Skills, Unprofessional
Social media has a life of its own. It is worse than gossip and can haunt those who traffic in it and anyone around them. Facebook and Twitter are platforms to express news and instant emotional reactions, good and bad.
People have even gotten fired for being caught up in loose comments made in the news by high powered folks. They thought if it was ok by those folks, then they could say it too. However, the reality is that some have power and freedom without repercussions and others face the wrath. If something is that important for you to express it in writing, write the words to yourself first and decide the way you want to handle it the next day.