Graceful winners that acknowledge the folks that did not win will be more successful in the long journey. We see how it plays out in the award shows and in politics.
I often see folks in the business world take just a short jaunt up the ladder. They honestly think their success was all their own and refuse to see how competition made them better. Success comes to those who truly understand and admire the folks who lost. People that only knock the losers end up being the real losers. It does catch up to them.
Volunteering for a nonprofit charity or trade organization has many benefits. My experiences in the Association of Image Consultants (AICI) and Chicago Minority Diversity Suppliers Council to name a few, have been very valuable.
These groups gave me the opportunity to stretch my leadership skills while working in a group situation or leading a team. Serving on the boards for the Ray Graham Foundation for the Disabled also provided me with many experiences.
I gained skills in how to navigate media situations while collaborating with leadership. This has served me well when working with Fortune 500 organizations. Volunteering in your organization for projects is another smart way to gain leadership experience and exposure.

Sometimes, working with passionate folks is more valuable than someone with certain skills. Passion creates excitement and excitement opens the door of wanting to learn and think beyond yourself.
Those who struggle to move to the next level usually lack passion even though they might possess the skills to get there. A key to showing passion is loving what you do first and embrace the passion that follows!
Posted on 02 February 2017 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Killers, Civility, communication, Culture, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Listening, Personal Development, Professional Development, Speaking Skills
Recently, a well-known prime time news anchor tried to validate a point with a spokesperson by asking a question about a lie from the spokesperson’s team that appeared on the news. This anchor is known for integrity and has a knack for handling sensitive subjects with the guests on the show.
The spokesperson was a shark, a fast talker employing a high spin level skill at making observations and details sound like facts. The anchor, unfortunately, did not respond well even though he the truth was behind the question.
What I would recommend, is to ask the questions at least three times. Then, instead of doing the cha-cha with the guest, end the conversation on a high note by letting the other person to wallow in their own comments. Don’t swim with the sharks unless you possess some shark skills of your own!
Many times a client or someone from the audience in a workshop will tell me that they have heard a comment about themselves before. I wonder why they have not taken action on the issue.
It is usually a few things- they don’t believe it or they will get to it sometime which leads to my request to take action in 2017. Go back to the coaching request and begin to develop an action plan on the issue…not a resolution but a plan.
For example, sleeves on a jacket are too long, creating a sloppy look. The plan? Take all of your jackets to the tailor for alternations. Be proactive. Take action. Altering sleeves sounds easy enough but it still can turn into a perceived time strain. Book the time and the place. Once you accomplish one task, you will be energized to do more.
What does staying the course mean? It means deciding what you want to achieve and even when it looks like many obstacles exist, moving toward that achievement. A client (Sam) wanted to become president of an organization where he had been a member for more than 20 years. In this organization he served often served as chairman, producing the desired results for each assigned committee task.
I was interviewed to work with Sam but he chose to go with another coach / advisor to run for the position of president. He lost the first year. This made him recognize the many skills and strategies he needed to put in place. I felt strongly about working on these while the other coach did not. I was asked to become involved halfway through the second run which he lost by a few votes.
Sam then ran with three other candidates, all of whom were older. He lost in run off. Anyone else would just settle for another role. Sam finally won against three other candidates proving that he had what it took to stay the course by viewing obstacles as opportunities and always moving toward his goal no matter what, to eventually secure a win.
The New Year is approaching and professional and personal growth occurs when we select a new experience. The challenge is what do you want to accomplish, how will it benefit you and how will you do it?
In my classes, I ask participants to write down a skill they would like to strengthen and ask them to partner with someone in the class. They establish a timetable with this partner and periodically check on the status of progress toward the goal with him / her.
In my experience, having a partner or coach holding you accountable helps move the process along. I have personal trainer I meet twice a week. He is very good at making sure the exercises are done properly. He also holds me accountable to workout. If he did not, I probably would not exercise because business and personal needs always seem to intrude!
Asking someone to hold me accountable keeps me on track which is good for my physical and mental well-being. Would I exercise on my own? Probably not. As I go into year two, I found that having a coach is critical to achieve my goal of staying healthy.

In a recent conversation with a client, the topic of leadership came up. What makes a leader? What does leadership look like? There are many aspects to it. Leadership means doing things including making decisions that are not always easy but are necessary. Another is being able to get things done and not take the credit.
Some leaders are born and others continue to develop skills through work and experience. Recently, I watched the movie, Jaws. The mayor who would not close the beaches had a leadership role but did not make the difficult decisions like a true leader would make. Too often, the folks who have leadership titles are not true leaders.
I have been having issues with my Mac Air since updating the operating system. At a recent session, while I tried to determine why my logins were not working, the Apple associate helping me was new. He tried several options and they did not work. Instead of trying more options he went to his boss and they thought I should go back to the technical person I use.
He could tell this bothered me so he went to another associate and asked him to lend a hand. Sure enough, this other associate solved the problem for me! What I found amazing is that this young associate was willing to go the extra mile to help me out. He did not just quit. He also learned from the more seasoned person how to fix my problem. A win-win if there ever was one!
In a recent Tony Robbins blog post, he talks about dealing with fears by dancing with rather than ignoring them. This resonated with me but how was I supposed to actually dance with fears? I used them to motivate me to prepare for whatever I am facing. For example, when getting ready for an event that not in my comfort zone, I make sure no stone goes unturned to ensure that in that particular situation, I am well prepared. This gives me the confidence to dance with my but how was I supposed to actually dance with fears? I used them to motivate me to prepare for whatever I am facing. For example, when getting ready for an event that not in my comfort zone, I make sure no stone goes unturned to ensure that in that particular situation, I am well prepared. This gives me the confidence to dance with my fears.