Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

Change One Thing is a superb book that gives excellent advice to help jumpstart your engine." Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Archive: Leadership Presence

Leaders – internal and external makeup

Leaders show up acting like leaders and project a sense of authority not intimidation. This is a prime trait of successful leaders I have worked with. They are not all in the C-Suite or even necessarily want to be there, but the true leader, no matter what the title, is respected within and outside of their communities.

• Posture – stands straight

• Walk – moves confidently – nor rushed or hesitant

• Facial expression – flashes an easy smile

• Clothing – fits with ease

• Integrity – projects honesty

• Communication – speaks with authority

• Kind – treats everyone with respect

Synching brand impact with the environment

Personal external and internal brand impacts need to connect with others and the environment. For example, you can sell the best tasting hot dogs but if the group you’re in is vegetarian not only will the offering not work, it might even be ridiculed. Showing up and projecting your best is just the foundation. You also need to create a splash in sounds, actions, and delivering what is valued to establish an effective brand impact.

Remember, you can be the best artist but if you are playing in an accounting environment, your artistry will be perceived as useless.

Be a builder not a destroyer

The challenge when beginning a new leadership role, is to build a new and not destroy the current structure. Yes, destroying seems to be the method these days because the old can appear stagnant. There is a better method of understanding the organization and its players that includes a deep study to determine the next step that will help the organization or team be effective. Creating havoc causes confusion and creates an uncomfortable view which in turns creates a backlash. The cure can be worse than the problem. If you are going to be a destroyer, be sure to have plan B in case the remains cannot be used to move forward.

The Thomas Wolfe brand

A recent New York Time’s article covered the late Tom Wolfe, his choice of suits, and his white suit. The white suit, while not in fashion, set him apart from the crowd. This clothing reflected his internal and external style including his writings and larger than life personality. The clothing choices also distinguished Mr. Wolfe from a group of very successful writers.

Use a signature brand, whether with clothing, or as in the case of Anna W of Vogue, her famous haircut. The individuals above possessed the stuff to back up their signature style and long-term successes throughout several decades.

Positivity- one quality of great leadership

Positivity- one quality of great leadership

Positive people attract folks who want to be on their team. These attributes create positivity:

• Exude an attitude supported by positive thoughts
• Choose clothing that helps form connections
• Put on pleasant facial expressions
• Extend cheerful greetings and always say hello
• Be curious about people and your surroundings

Feeling good

Walking into a room feeling good sets the tone for the rest of not only the event, but the remainder of the day. Remember, the first  impression of the day is the one you set for yourself. As author, Malcom Gladwell, suggested, “The first impression is a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

If you feel confident, those around you will too. Good fit and the right color of clothing choices are critical to feeling good about yourself. The correct clothing formula strengthens your comfort, well-being, and self-confidence to own the room you walk into!



Handling difficult feedback

ElephangHandling difficult feedback is important to overall success. Recently, I worked with a client who choose not to deal with this type of feedback. In fact, he never got upset but instead deflected the critical comments.

By disregarding the feedback, he displayed a blind spot large enough to hold him back in his career. Always listen to difficult feedback by focusing on the valid points and using it as a helpful tool in securing career success and encouraging personal development.

The handshake

networking-pic-gifA firm handshake:
1. Creates a first-time bond
2. Starts a relationship
3. Enables the other person to begin to know you
4. Says confidence
5. Allows sharing of a personal space
6. Is usually the only time one touches another person at work

This firm handshake is the initiator of hopefully a fruitful relationship beginning.

How fresh is your image?

brown-shoes-blue-suitA fresh image projects itself when all apparel worn is pressed, stain free, and smells clean. Smells are easily picked up from the office and from restaurants. Have items professionally pressed or cleaned, especially when meeting clients or giving a presentation.

Strategy for table conversation

voiceGood conversations while dining with a client are important in forging relationships. The main folks to focus on are the individuals to the right and left of you. If the noise level is low, include both parties in the discussion.

Refrain from conversing to someone directly across the table especially if the table sits ten. The rule is to never discuss religion, politics or intimate personal issues. If asked about any of these subjects, it is best to deflect and begin a new topic and always err on the inclusive side.