Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

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Archive: Leadership Presence

What do your eyes say?

eyeIt is often said that our eyes are the window to the world. They are also are how folks read you. Eye contact is critical when first meeting someone because it shows engagement and that you are focused on what they are saying. It also will help you remember names and something about them.

Eyes, when looking down, up, to the right or to the left, do not send a good message. In some cases, it shows nervousness and even deception in a reply.


Are sleeveless tops and dresses acceptable professional attire?

question_makrs_cutie_mark_by_rildraw-d4byewlSleeveless tops and dresses are best worn with a jacket. However, many companies located in warmer climates have begun to accept them worn without either a jacket or sweater. In the Midwest, during the summer, uncovered arms are the norm. However, if you have tattoos on your arms I would have them covered. You do not want your tattoos, instead of your professionalism, to be a topic of conversation.


What’s the latest on matching accessories?

sequins7Using a guest volunteer in a recent presentation, I wanted to demonstrate what worked well in her professional attire. I had commented how she was able to wear a necklace and earrings that complemented each other but did not match because wearing matching earrings and necklaces has gone by the wayside. Now, it is smarter to wear complementary pieces.

Have said that, there are exceptions, one being gem and natural stone pieces. Also, when wearing matching pieces, the earrings must be smaller.


Poker Face

unhappy smileThe most important asset of your body language is the facial expression. So many times I have been asked to work with clients who have a poker face. The reason the poker face is such a negative part of body language, is that it puts up a wall to communicating. People cannot read or connect with you when there is no expression on your face. When there is a lack of emotions, there is no communications. A true leader must be able to communicate.


Evening events and business social dress

Evening businea winnerss award events generally occur at the beginning of the year which is when questions are often asked about what is appropriate to wear.

Business folks dress in many different ways for these events. I’d rather be a bit underdressed than overdressed. Women, leave the sequins at home. Men, you cannot go wrong in a dark suit (black or dark navy) and a white shirt with a dark tie. If the event says black tie option, men can wear a dark suit or tuxedo. For women, a dress or an evening suit will fit the bill.


Simon says

microphone-vectorSimon O. Sinek is an author best known for popularizing the concept of “The Golden Circle” and to “Start With Why”, described by TED as “a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership” It offers these seven tips to ensure you will have a dynamic presentation:

1. Do not talk right away, wait until the audience gives you their attention

2. It is about what you can give the audience

3. Have a compelling personal story

4. Focus on a friendly face

5. Don’t listen or look at naysayers

6. Talk much slower than you normally do

7. Always thank the audience


Tie and shirt combinations

clairborn shirtsIn a business casual setting, men may not have to necessarily wear a suit jacket all the time, though they might be wearing a shirt and tie most of the time.

Many men in a workshop setting will ask if they can wear a mixed or patterned shirt with a patterned tie. Yes, of course. However, there are a few guidelines to ensure the right mix to look really sharp:

– The shirt stripe must be smaller than the tie pattern

– The tie pattern must be smaller if the shirt stripe is wide

– Make sure there is a similar color in both the tie and shirt

– A tie can be a totally different color than the shirt if the shirt is a non-patterned one

Of course, all of these rules can be broken if you have a dynamic eye for style or a work with a personal stylist!


Are you a task or a people person?

Task personKey to Leaderships are individuals who are great at getting the job done. The areas where they need to pay attention are being more sensitive to the nuances of building relationships such as developing small talk as well as appropriate facial expressions and body language. These silent messages are critical to understanding and connecting to people.

Then, there are the people persons who are great at building relationships and connecting to the audience. Those folks never lack in the area of people skills but lack the skills to get the job done.

To help fully develop skills spend time with and observe those who are the opposite of you. You will learn to pick the skills you need to grow in a very balanced way.


Rambling – where are you going with the end result?

voiceOften, I am asked to work with folks who tend to ramble and say more than they should. The more they ramble, the less impact their message has.

A great example of this occurred today. A top candidate for a new role in a new company kept going on and on. I even interviewed him the day before and mentioned to him that he tends to go on too long, rambles and talks in circles.

He is a very qualified candidate and frankly, is the candidate of choice. In the interview, he was told what held him back was his rambling. The advice we gave him was to answer a question with a five or ten word description and then stop. Rambling indicates nervousness, lack of confidence and even a possible lack of knowledge.

If you tend to ramble, it is because you have not practiced your answers. A good way to practice is to write the answer on paper and edit it with three bullet points. This will definitely help curb your rambling.


The Photo – Facial Expressions and Body Guidelines

camera lenseHaving modeled in my early career, I follow these tips to ensure my photo looks like me and shows me in the best possible light.

In a professional photo, check to see if there is a makeup artist tied to the studio that you can use. Otherwise, engage one for the shoot. The artists use a makeup especially designed for the camera.

Begin practicing by moving your mouth up and down at least 10 minutes before the photo shoot so you look relaxed when you smile. If you have any neck wrinkles they will be less noticeable if you stretch your chin out a bit. Your hair style should be natural. If you wear glasses all the time, your photo should include them.

When standing in a group photo, a sideways pose is best for a slimmer, thinner look.

Following these tips will help your photo turn out picture perfect.