Recently the news has featured constant dialog about the phrase alternative truth / facts. In my work, I have noticed that some clients struggle to face hard facts like not missing deadlines, poor work performance and grasping real truths. I think these people are headed for career growth disappointment. Until they can truly be honest with themselves by letting go of the spin, they will lack the credibility and respect of their peers and peers are who senior leaders look to for validating promotions. Unfortunately, fact deniers may end up without a role in any organization.
Posted on 21 March 2017 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, communication, Interpersonal skills, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building
Expressing a sense of humor with truth but not in a mean-spirited way, goes far. This helps in the continually depressing news cycles. The late-night hosts usually succeed in spinning depressing news in an intelligent way while using a touch of humor. This helps negate the dark stories, just a little.
Volunteering for a nonprofit charity or trade organization has many benefits. My experiences in the Association of Image Consultants (AICI) and Chicago Minority Diversity Suppliers Council to name a few, have been very valuable.
These groups gave me the opportunity to stretch my leadership skills while working in a group situation or leading a team. Serving on the boards for the Ray Graham Foundation for the Disabled also provided me with many experiences.
I gained skills in how to navigate media situations while collaborating with leadership. This has served me well when working with Fortune 500 organizations. Volunteering in your organization for projects is another smart way to gain leadership experience and exposure.

Sometimes, working with passionate folks is more valuable than someone with certain skills. Passion creates excitement and excitement opens the door of wanting to learn and think beyond yourself.
Those who struggle to move to the next level usually lack passion even though they might possess the skills to get there. A key to showing passion is loving what you do first and embrace the passion that follows!