Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

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Three-Quarter Sleeves Shirts or Jackets for Women

white three quarter sleeve blouseThree-quarter sleeves are pretty much the norm when looking for a long sleeve shirt, especially in the summer time. They are a great alternative to short sleeves. The best three-quarter sleeves are when the width of the sleeve is not tapered. It conveys a more professional look. Nordstrom’s Foxcross label is a favorite of mine, especially in white when paired with black linen slacks.


A White or Black Tux Jacket for Summer?

Ferrecci-Mens-Cream-Polyester-Blend-Shawl-Tuxedo-Jacket-P14151348aIs it appropriate to wear a white tuxedo jacket for a black tie event in the summer time? In the northern states black tuxedo jackets are still more the norm. An exception can be when that attire is requested. Also, in some country club settings, a white jacket is a favorite. The ones that are the most popular are the Shaw Collar styles. In the Caribbean, as you see in James Bond movies, white jackets are worn by most. When you are in doubt, check with the host of the event.

To dye your hair or not

Hair 2imagesThe question often comes up about whether or not you should color your hair. Coloring hair has become very popular for both men and women. And it is not just about covering the gray. Recently Michelle Obama was on the cover of Parade Magazine with golden highlights in her hair. Years ago, it was considered a theatrical move when an Asian or African American that colored their hair blond or red. Today it is just about a variety of looks.

The color one choses for the conservative environment is best when it is close to the natural look. For those who want to be more fashion focused, chose a color close to your color temperature. If you tend to be warm, going jet black may not be favorable to your skin or clothing choices.

Another example is that if you are very cool in color temperature, selecting a very warm hair color may look cheap. When Elizabeth Taylor when blond for a short period it did not enhance her natural skin tone or the color of her eyes.


Details for a minimalist style

Some of us targetlike a very streamlined appearance when choosing clothes. We want the impact of tailored elegance.

To add interest and to keep from looking too stark, remember key accessories and a perfect fit. Stylish heels for women and high gloss leather shoes for men will finish the complete look.

The Power Bob

mayerIn a recent article Midge Wilson, Ph.D., a professor of psychology and women’s studies at DePaul University, talks about the Power Bob hair style. Wilson says the bob is “somewhat of a masculine style” that strikes a balance that’s neither too butch nor too silly.

In a paper on hair and first impressions based on a study funded by Procter and Gamble, study director and Yale University psychology professor Marianne LaFrance, Ph.D., wrote, “Within seconds of meeting you, people begin forming a first impression about the type of person you are, and it’s not your face that gives you away; it’s your hairstyle.”

According to the study, women with shorter hair are perceived as more intelligent and confident than those with longer styles. (You can see Power Bobs on Marissa Mayer, Meg Whitman and Hillary Clinton.)

However, I feel the longer hair is making a move forward. For example, look at the new executive of General Motors, Mary Barra, along with Michelle Obama. Both have a hair style that’s a bit more feminine.

Whatever hairstyle you choose, though, it must make your face the center of attention and not your hair.


The tee shirt for men only

RecenBelktly, while working with a client, he asked why he had to wear a tee shirt under his dress shirt? This is not mandatory, however the dress shirt, especially a white one, will look richer and will wrinkle less with a tee shirt beneath it.

There are undershirts by Calvin Klein that are lighter in weight, will help absorb perspiration and are v-neck so they will not show when wearing an open collar dress shirt.

Wearing a white tee shirt under a dress shirt is the right thing to do. It adds to your elegance.


Details in clothing choices

A key elemetargetnt for folks who have a polished, smart, elegant image is their clothing choices. Their clothing is appropriate for the occasion and their role in the organization. The color resonates and makes folks feel confident about them. Their accessories add just enough nuance to enhance their appearance. Their overall look showcases their leadership presence. Make sure that these key clothing factors capture your elegant style no matter what situation you find yourself in.


We are not all Mark Zuckerberg

jumping couple in field under cloudsA recent article in the New York Times featured Brandee Parker who was once head of marketing for Facebook. In the piece, Ms. Parker talks about the time she and a colleague brought a black suit for her boss, Mark Zuckerberg, to wear on his first trip to Davos, Switzerland, for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. They thought that the occasion called for more than Zuckerberg wearing his usual hooded sweatshirt.

Mark never wore the suit. Instead, he put on his Patagonia sweatshirt. (And we are all not Mark Zuckerberg or a CEO of a Fortune 100 company.)

However, I agree wholeheartedly with Brandee.

This does not mean that if I like to wear leggings and an oversized sweater that those clothing choices are appropriate in a business setting. There are many choices today. In fact, a nice pair of slacks and jacket can provide the same comfortable feeling as a sweatshirt.

When I have garnered the respect capital then maybe the leggings will be appropriate. (I saw that Sheryl Sandberg wore them stage for a presentation showcased on the TV show, 60 Minutes. She certainly has the respect capital.) Also, I have learned if my clothing does not feel comfortable and keep me true to myself, then I think twice before moving ahead. I give the same advice to my clients.



Should men color or curl their hair?

26447en_USI_QuestionMarkMen have an advantage women don’t have— gray hair can look distinguished on them. I understand in today’s world anyone over 30 is considered old which is why, to look younger, men can be tempted to color their hair. In some cases men even perm their hair (You see Bradley Cooper in American Hustle wearing curlers!).

First of all, men’s hair does not take color or perms as naturally as women’s hair does. Nothing is worse than men having bad fake hair color. It creates an air of artificial presence. It can also defeat the purpose and make men look older. Men’s hair also does not take perms too well. Perms tend to produce a Brillo pad look.


The eyebrow statement

eyeFrom no eyebrows, to very thick ones – they make a statement. The key element is that eyebrows have definition and frame the eye.

Sometimes the natural brow color needs to be enhanced with color brow powder. The eyebrows can also be colored when the hair is being colored.

Always get an opinion from a professional about the shape. Be comfortable with the opinion and do not proceed if you feel the change is too drastic. Instead, experiment with brow pencil or powder first. A well-shape eyebrow will capture your eyes which will help engage those you are speaking with. It will definitely make a positive statement.