Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

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Archive: Eye wear

What will eye wear say about you?

Eye wear can say many things, authority, playfulness, drama or creativeness. Shape and color will also set the stage. Today’s eyewear continues to change in style daily and more folks have more than one set. Years ago, a well-known host of a cable show set her brand with the style of her glasses when heavy frames were just becoming the style. Now depending the person, their daily and special occasions eyewear has many looks for different occasions. Just be sensitive to the style of choice your audience will understand.

Purging Makeup and Grooming Tools

We often talk about reviewing, paring down, or purging our wardrobes. It is equally important, on an annual or semi-annual basis, to consider hair products, makeup, and other grooming tools. You may need to refresh or get rid of such items. They often collect bacterial quickly. Use the following link to determine shelf life for products.


What does eyewear say about you?

Eye wear says many things including authority, playfulness, drama, and creativeness. The shape and color also helps set the stage for the face. In addition, today’s eyewear evolves in style daily causing more and more folks to own multiple sets.

Years ago, a well-known host of a cable show set her brand with the style of her glasses just as heavy frames were coming into vogue. Now, depending on the person’s routine and special occasions, eyewear can project many looks for different situations. Just be sensitive to a style your audience will understand.


eyeRecently, I was with a client and noticed her glasses kept slipping off her nose. She was constantly pushing them up. I know this problem intimately because I have a flat nose with a very low bridge. Eyewear choices were limited for me because my eyewear needs to have nose pads that can be pinched to keep the glasses from sliding. Warby Parker just introduced a new line of eyewear so people like me can wear glasses without nose pads.

Eyewear choices

eyeWhen choosing eyewear follow these steps:

Decide on the occasions when you will wear your eyewear, e.g., for business casual or for weekend sports

Comfort is critical – with the right fit you won’t even know you are wearing them

Round faces will look better with more angular and defined shapes

Oval faces can wear almost any frame shape

Frames should not appear too wide on your face

Black and tortoise shell frames have been longstanding successful staples

Frames are getting smaller and rounder according to Garret Leight of California Optical —