Eyes can say much more than words. A look can be absorbed even before the person speaks. Samantha, (There’s a picture of her in this blog.) has these amazing eyes that look right through you. She does not talk much but stares and barks when annoyed. Her eyes do all of the heavy lifting.
Capture your look by using the eyes to obtain the effect you desire like effective actors, politicians and business people do. Joy, disappointment, sadness, authenticity and dishonesty and most other emotions are first reflected in the eyes. A good way to learn about the eyes is by watching films, live theatre and television programs.
Posted on 23 June 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Career Builders, communication, Culture, Humor, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Personal Development, Presentation Visual Impact, Voice
Recently, I was involved in an incident that I considered embarrassing.
I take one on one training on how to use a Mac Air (going on 15 months, now). Because I’ve been a PC user for 25 plus years, it is a completely new way for me to work on a computer.
Technicians who work with me are really very patient. They never make me feel badly when they have to continually repeat answers. So, I thought it would be a nice gesture to bring a bottle of Apple Ice for my main trainer.
However, when he opened the drink, the soda fizzed all over the table, floor and chairs. Instead of being upset, he laughed and turned what I thought was a disaster into a comical situation. He even said it made his day so much better. How wonderful it is to have this sense of humor. It makes life’s little mishaps that much more tolerable and even, at times, more enjoyable.
Posted on 21 May 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Career Builders, communication, Culture, Derailers, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Lifestyle, Networking, Work life Balance
Recently in workshop for a Fortune 100 client, the questions came up on how people stay engaged when working from a home office, especially for months on end.
1.Dress as if you are going to the office in business casual attire. Not in pajamas or clothes you would clean the garage in. Dressing up will make you feel professional especially in an isolated setting. Ugly is working in your pajamas. It starts out feeling good but ends up making you feel unaccountable.
2.Do not eat lunch in your home office. Dining out keeps your socialization skills active.
3.Talk to folks in the office. Use FaceTime or Skype so you are on decision makers minds for any projects that may be good for your career mobility.
4.Take on special projects that will keep you visible with leadership.
There is always room for improving processes that go into making a great project. Not long ago, I worked on a project that a few years later would be upgraded. When being reworked, the new team began to tell me all the processes that did not work in in the first iteration. I never said anything even though I worked on the first effort which came out well. I thought, things change and nothing really needed to be said about the prior project. Change happens, handle it with grace.
Often, clients fight that perception is reality. They don’t understand what their brand is and most importantly how their brand is perceived and the fact that what is really important is what is perceived.
Perception has a life of its own. Recently, in speaking with a client about a potential hire for her team, all she could remember was that this person was wearing ridiculously high heels! She felt this individual was only interested in fashion and not truly a business person. Changing the perception of the potential hire from a not-so-serious business person to a professional who took herself seriously, necessitated quite a mind shift in the interview.
Posted on 19 March 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Body Language, Career Builders, communication, Culture, Derailers, Interviewing skills, Leadership Presence, Men's Appearance, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building, Speaking Skills, Women's Appearance
It is often said that our eyes are the window to the world. They are also are how folks read you. Eye contact is critical when first meeting someone because it shows engagement and that you are focused on what they are saying. It also will help you remember names and something about them.
Eyes, when looking down, up, to the right or to the left, do not send a good message. In some cases, it shows nervousness and even deception in a reply.
The latest trend is personalization with names spelled out or initials on necklaces, bracelets, rings, tote bags, purses and even sweaters.
I think initials on a bag or on a necklace can be smart. My feeling is that personalized items are great to wear on weekends or if you are in the fashion and/or art field. And one personalized item is much smarter than to wear several items with your name or initials on it.
Posted on 22 January 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Career Builders, Culture, Evening Apparel, Leadership Presence, Men's Appearance, Wardrobe, Women Wardrobe, Women's Appearance, Women's Style and Fashion
Evening busine
ss award events generally occur at the beginning of the year which is when questions are often asked about what is appropriate to wear.
Business folks dress in many different ways for these events. I’d rather be a bit underdressed than overdressed. Women, leave the sequins at home. Men, you cannot go wrong in a dark suit (black or dark navy) and a white shirt with a dark tie. If the event says black tie option, men can wear a dark suit or tuxedo. For women, a dress or an evening suit will fit the bill.
Recently, I was out with folks who like to have a cocktail and wine with their meals. Since for me, one glass of wine is more than enough for an evening, I usually order a club soda with a lime. I will order that glass of wine with my meal if everyone is having one.
It would be the same for a business event. For hosts, I recommend no more than two glasses of wine with one cocktail. Liquor can loosen one’s tongue which can lead to revealing things that would be better left unsaid.
A black tie event for women does not always mean they have to wear a floor length gown. Tea length (slightly above the ankle depending on the height of the women) have become popular as have cocktail length (below the knee) dresses. A trendy option is the dressy top with a pair of palazzo pants but a dress will always look more elegant for a black tie event.