I recently had dinner with a group and was shocked at these dining don’ts I witnessed at the table:
• Flossing teeth
• Putting on lipstick
• Starting to eat before everyone is served
• Introducing sensitive political issues
Avoid these critical don’ts. That way everyone will want you as a guest at their table!
Often, we forget these rules when talking with new or even familiar acquaintances to make sure we keep them fully engaged in conversation.
Use these Six Golden Tips to ensure success:
1. Never assume; question and clarify
2. Listen with total focus
3. Say thank you quickly when you receive information
4. Think what has been said and process – avoid commenting
5. Respond effectively (be brief)
6. Follow-up in a few days (suggest a by-when date)
A current fashion favorite is long earrings that almost touch a woman’s shoulder. They come in different colors, materials and various widths. Celebrities and many television actresses are wearing them especially the lead in Royal Pain on the USA nework.
They are fun too look at but what you immediately notice is the constant motion of the earrings.
If you want to make a fashion statement, this works, especially for the nightlife.
However if you want to play in the C-Suite, ask yourself- what is the first thing you want everyone to notice, your earrings or your face?
Having been delayed two hours plus at O’Hare I did a lot of people watching. It’s a great way to notice the good, bad and ugly. Today’s ugly is how folks sometimes eat.
Here are the four big uglies:
The Chomper: Chewing food with the mouth so wide open you can see the food being pulverized. It is not a pretty sight.
The Smelly: This is where the food aroma becomes a clinging odor that the clothes of the folks next to and three seats away from the eater will carry with them for the next several hours.
The Food Critic: This person needs to share with the world how good or how bad each bite tastes.
The Spiller: This person has spilled food on himself as well as on individuals in his immediate vicinity. This is because the food choice is meant to be eaten outside or behind closed doors. So, I understand that eating is a great way to cope with delayed flight frustration.
However, if you are going to eat in the waiting area don’t be one of the four uglies or at the very least if you are one, eat in a restaurant.
It is important to remember that in a critical situation, the customer is always right. Especially when the mistake is yours.
Recently, I was involved in a scenario where the client was right and the service company was wrong. After the service person validated it was an error on their part, they unfortunately continued grind about the situation. As a result, the issue got escalated to the point where this potential new client was definitely not coming back.
Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure this does not happen to you.
• Apologize immediately
• Offer a solution
• Present a way to atone in the future if there is no immediate solution
• Defend the mistake
• Make the person feel like it was his/her fault
• Make the person continue to prove they are right
If this service company had taken responsibility by using 2 out of the 3 dos, they would have obtained a new client.
In business, there is always going to be a shark. These are the individuals who will always try and upstage you or persuade others to view themselves as smarter than you. They are always one step ahead of everyone and never hesitate to boast about how smart they are. They are usually very articulate and take no prisoners when a mistake is made. They will throw you under the bus instead of taking any responsibility for any problem. My recommendation is that unless you can be objective (stay calm), have very little interaction with them.
Everyone wants to be creative and display their own style. For both men and women a question often arises about bracelets. Are they acceptable to wear? What types are considered professional? How many can be worn?
Recently, I was having lunch with a Senior Vice President and she was wearing three gold bracelets. They were narrow, fit together bangles (They did not clang against each other.) that worked well. However, last evening I saw a man wearing a heavy gold chain bracelet. Way too flashy, the bracelet was the first thing you noticed about him.
So, the rule of thumb is that bracelets can allow you to express creativity and be a great fashion accessory. They must not be the first thing noticed about the person or be noisy. Also, one cuff bracelet is enough in a business setting.
Tattoos came up in a recent workshop. The main question was- Should tattoos be displayed or covered up? Tattoos are attention getters and very personal to the folks who get them. In most business settings tattoos are not acceptable unless it is in a very creative environment. Even then, they must be fairly non-religious, non-political and not too graphic. My recommendation is that if you want to get a tattoo have it applied in an area that is visible only to you. You do not want to be recognized just for your tattoo.

ow can you update a professional image and wardrobe with limited funds? To create instant impact, add a new color in accessories or with makeup (for women).
Here are a few recommendations:
Wear shells, blouses, necklaces, scarfs and shoes in a fresh color. Green, coral and yellow are some of the latest ones.
Makeup: Select a new lipstick color, blush or nail polish.
Either one will update your image.
Change your shirt color or wear patterned shirts. It will add a new look to your suit.
Different ties and a belts will give a new, fresh look to a shirt and slacks.
Update your hairstyle.
To get ideas, look at In Style, men’s health magazines or clothing catalogs. You can also search the web for ideas on what is available. Make it fun!
Because we are not perfect human beings and business is so fast paced, it is easy to make a mistake. The real key is how you recover from a mistake.
It is hard to apologize and own up to a mistake, especially when the person pointing out the error act obnoxiously. However, this does not change the fact that we must apologize or admit we were wrong when that is the case.
It is best to admit you made a mistake sooner rather than later. Depending on the mistake and how it is pointed out to you, it can be done via a phone call, face to face or with an e-mail. Do not defend it and then apologize. The key is to admit it and move on. When you can do this it shows professional grace under fire.