It is important to have a social media presence. For that, LinkedIn continues to be the number one place to get exposure and let the world know your personal brand. However, it does not replace traditional networking. So when you have an opportunity to do face to face events, maximize your presence by ensuring you do the following:
• Own the room with confidence. Have your pitch-who you are and a success story—ready at all times
• Be engaging. Even before you say one word offer a firm handshake and make good eye contact.
• Follow up. Afterwards, connect either by e-mail or phone calls. If possible, meet for coffee or lunch.
• Keep a file of your networking events. This will help you remember names and faces.
Networking can be fun and energizing if you take the attitude you want to learn about folks and what they are involved in. The activity will expand your people knowledge and allow others to get to know you.
In a recent New York Times article, the CEO of Four Square stressed the importance of allowing others to know you. I firmly believe it is critical to network inside your organization—to reach across the aisle and functions to touch base with others. This can be done via a quick cup of coffee, breakfast or lunch.
Besides the inherent value of building relationships, it also adds to your knowledge of their group – technologies, current business and people events. Folks move up in the organization because of people who know them. In today’s rapidly changing work environment (with flexible hours and virtual teams), we often don’t have the luxury of reaching across the lunch table to say hello.
Nonetheless, commit to having lunch with a co-worker at least once a week. Doing this will broaden your exposure and at the same time educate you about the organization from another viewpoint.

In our fast paced environment, listening is a skill that takes patience and the ability to stay focused on the conversation. The biggest challenge is usually allowing the other person to finish their thoughts. I know I have been guilty of interrupting a speaker.
So, my tip is to count to ten to ensure the conversation has finished before you begin. Also, if you have interrupted because you thought the person was finished speaking, immediately apologize and let the other person complete his or her thought.
When you interrupt you may not hear that golden nugget of information critical to the solving the problem or miss learning something important.
Posted on 17 July 2012 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Business Etiquette, Civility, communication, Culture, Humor, Leadership, Men's Appearance, Networking, Personal Development

When you smile the whole world smiles too.
Consider some of the facts about smiles. Where do you fall in these categories?
- The average woman smiles 62 times per day.
- The average man smiles 8 times a day.
- 63 percent of people say they look best in photos when they are showing their teeth.
- 99.7 percent of adults say an attractive smile is an important personal asset.
- 74 percent of people say that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for business or career success.
- 23 percent of people say they look best with their mouth closed.
Just recently I was completely surprised and completely caught off guard when given an award. In cases like this often, you hear folks either ramble on and on or go completely blank.
These are the keys to saying a few brief but impactful comments:
1. Take the time to walk up to the stage. This gives you an opportunity to collect your thoughts.
2. Share a story or a fact that will honor the award. For example, you might mention how the organization impacted you.
3. Give thanks to those responsible for you receiving the honor.
Remember these critical elements and you will always give a heartfelt, appreciative and graceful speech.
In a recent Chicago Tribune, Rex Huppke’s column addressed the value of being a nice person. In today’s work environment where results are critical there never seems to be enough time for niceties. This includes small talk such as how the family is doing or did you enjoy your vacation?
It has been proven may times that just taking a minute or two eases the way before we dive into everyday business work issues. Also, when giving feedback, be inclusive. The main goal is to strengthen social skills not tear them down.
A prized quality of a stellar reputation is being thought of as fair and nice.
Men’s fashions used to change every eight years. Today they change annually. What has been recently happening with men’s shirts in the business casual environment is that the senior men have been moving away from polo shirts (golf style) to oxford or pin point shirts.
Golf shirts are worn on the golf course or in a very casual environment. The days when they were business casual are pretty much over.
Another shift over the last few years has been the replacement of the button down collar with the classic pinpoint dress shirt sans button-down collar. However, in the Midwest, the button down collar is very popular in certain industries. So, for men I recommend you mix up your shirt choices. Choose colored and pattern fabric button down collar shirts for casual days.
The new emphasis today for management is to find individuals who are passionate about their work. This really has always been true. In fact, you can tell the person who is passionate about their work and commitment to high standards. It comes natural to them. They are always looking for ways to innovate.
I know that the job market is tough. And getting promoted within companies has become even tougher because of competition. This is why it is important to find the right professional fit. You want to release your passion so your job does not become work.
How do you determine what creates the passion for you? Begin with two columns on paper. In one, write down every time you do something that resonates with you (brings you joy). In the other column log the things you do that you don’t like.
Maintain this log for awhile. You will see as you begin to review it over time that it will clearly show what you are passionate about.
Flips flops are career killers besides being feet killers. I was in the city and 80%, if not more, of the folks I saw were wearing flips flops or some version of them. Then there are the toes. Do you really want those around you to see your toes?
I hope that most of the folks I saw have another pair of shoes they wear in the office. Remember the beach, picnics and the around the house are where flip flops belong, not in the office.
Do you really want to be supporting podiatrists?
In today’s business climate, with unemployment at all-time high, you can run the risk of trying to be someone else. Judy Garland said it the best, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of the second rate version of someone else.”
Begin to take inventory of what is it that you want and how you want to come across in an interview. The basics do not change. They are to engage your interviewer and be honest in your communications.
If something does not sound right, ask a question to confirm you understand what is being said. In other words, what you hear is what it means to you. Keep these things in mind and you will be a first rate version of yourself.