Posted on 08 June 2013 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Business Etiquette, Civility, communication, Culture, Interviewing skills, Leadership, Media, Men's Appearance, Women's Appearance
Eye contact is always important in these situations:
• When first meeting a person, good eye contact gives an instant connection. In some cases it is how you will be remembered.
• When you are presenting, eye contact helps you engage each member of the audience. Even if you cannot see them, they can see you.
• When you are having a very intense conversation, whether sad or happy, the impact of it will be felt with serious eye contact.
I have always belie
ved that nails look more professional with color polish. However, nails can be made to look worse even with nail polish, if the cuticles are unattractive.
My nails have always been a challenge because I have very dry and unattractive cuticles that are continually aggravated by nail polish. So, I have gone cold turkey and started getting manicures without nail color.
That being said, your hands and nails must look well taken care of. They must enhance your overall professional impact. This also means that you probably need to stay away from distracting polish colors and designs.
Remember, though, that if you go decide to go without nail polish entirely, you must stay vigilant in keeping your nails clean because polish hides the dirt that accumulates underneath them.
I remember how I use to dislike having to wear a name badge. Now, years later, the name tag has become a must in networking sessions because it helps me remember someone’s name.
However, at a recent event, while each of us wrote our names on the tags, probably 90% of the names were difficult to read!
When writing your name on a name badge, print your first name only (and maybe the first initial of your last name) using large letters. That’s because most name tags are not large enough to print your first and last name. You can always share your last name at the appropriate time.
It a
ppears that beards are starting to gain in popularity again including being more acceptable in the business world. This is probably partly because some key CEO’s are sporting them.
The key for a beard to look sharp is to keep it maintained and worn close to the face. Beards look best as a neat face cover as opposed to allowing them to grow beyond the chin and down the neck. Scraggly beards will make the person look old and unkempt.
Folks assigned to work on teams may not always be a good fit. An example of this is dealing with a team member who has a reputation of not working well with others. There are two ways to handle it. (Use the method that best suits the culture of your organization.)
One way is for the team leader to have a one on one conversation with this individual about shared expectations and what is the best for the team and organization. The second way is to have a team meeting with an open dialog on the key elements of impactful communications. Outline acceptable methods of how to handle any potential conflict and decide on the best way to agree to disagree.
The most important thing is ensure the team is successful as a group.
Posted on 11 April 2013 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Business Etiquette, Civility, communication, Culture, Leadership, Lifestyle, Networking, Personal Development, Women's Appearance
When Samantha takes a walk, she always starts full of the potential excitement of her adventure. Her head is held high and her gaze is straight ahead, eyes shining with great anticipation about what she might see. For those of you who know, Samantha is my bison (you can see her picture on the far upper right corner).
Wouldn’t it be great if each time you walked into a room, you had the good anticipatory feeling of exploring something new? It projects in your body, facial expressions and even your walk. It is the aura of confidence and creates a wonderful first impression.
The charm of Facebook is that it helps folks express themselves and engage those with like minds. It can also provide some self-insight:
• Talk about only positive experiences
• Select profile photos that have a professional, casual, friendly look
• Post pictures that involve others only if you have permission to use them
• Never write anything off-color
• Never post any pictures that are risqué
• Never say anything negative about a product or person
You always want to present positive vibes because what you post has a long internet life. Following these few simple guidelines will help ensure that your Facebook posts will only enhance your image.
Face to face networking is still critical. It helps one get to know about people and people get to know you. It also helps you learn about different industries and who the key decision makers are.
Here are a few tips to ensure you have fun networking while appearing confident, relaxed and engaging.
1. Do research on the event including who is going to be there and the background of the event.
2. Bring a friend with you. Introducing someone helps get you going and plus they can introduce you.
3. Dress for the occasion – slightly underdressing is better than over dressing.
4. Wear comfortable shoes.
5. Eat before the event so you will not be starving. Anyway, it is not about the food.
6. Prepare a personal introduction and an easy ice breaker.
7. Always go up to a group. Never wait till someone comes to you
Keep these tips in mind and you will have a good networking event. Instead of surviving you will be thriving.
ently, I was at Costco getting my tires replaced and the electricity in a one block radius went down. There was no indication from ComEd when the power would go back up. The registers could only take cash or check.
Within a heartbeat the employees began apologizing. They also offered bottled water and cookies to everyone. The cookies were the big ones in oatmeal/raisin, chocolate chip and toffee. Plus, you could have more than one!
I stayed for about an hour. When I left they were still giving out bottles of water and cookies. The tire folks called me back in about two hours when the power came back on. I was so impressed. They explained and apologized for the inconvenience even though they were not the problem. This is an example of the good customer service.
Now comes the bad. I was traveling for a client and had a 5:15 pm flight back to Chicago. The flight was delayed three times. However, we only found out each time were to board that the flight would be delayed. Finally, we began to board at 11 PM, waited 20 minutes only to be informed that the flight was cancelled.
No warnings or apologies were given. The airline personnel attitude was more like: Why you are bothering us with your presence? I was much more impressed by the passengers who (like myself) never got mad or raised their voices.
It was interesting going from very good customer treatment to bad and ugly in a matter of just a few days.
Last weeks’ Time magazine’s has Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg, on the cover. She is wearing a burgundy dress. The dress indicates femininity and burgundy is color of royalty and power (from the Power of Color by Dr. Morton.) Sheryl’s pose is one of low key strength.
The look is a critical element in a leader. It encompasses clothing, body language, eye contact and how people perceive you. Is it perfect all the time? No, but it must be consistent and people around you must get it. A signature visual is what will help you stand out among the crowd. It supports your body of work and constantly replenishes your confidence capital.