I started my consulting and coaching practice after being a successful salesperson working in an office environment. To stay positive, I read an inspiration quote the first thing every morning. This helped keep me motivated by having an upbeat attitude. Every evening, I made a list of goals and set them out for the next day. To me, it was important to take time out of the office by having lunch with a friend or client once a week. Now, in these times with restrictions due to the coronavirus, I take two walks a day and have a lunch break. I find these practices especially helpful during these unsettling times.
The coming of another year often finds people making resolutions. Eating healthier. Exercising. Getting more sleep. Many of us have a hard time sticking to our resolutions. A few weeks into the new year, we’ve already broken a resolution or two. Here’s a resolution that’s simpler to keep though – revamping your wardrobe. And the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to start. One way to begin is by getting some clothing racks (the Container Store often has them on sale). Bring all your wardrobe pieces together. (Marie Kondo suggests doing this part by piling all of your clothes on your bed) Next, organize your clothes first by style and then by color. Inspect each piece of clothing for wear and tear. Start making piles. One of the piles is for clothes to take to the cleaner. Another one of the piles is to donate. You may need to make difficult choices. Consider, as Marie Kondo would say, whether the item of clothing brings you joy. Ask yourself whether it sends the appropriate message for your work or lifestyle. Don’t forget to consider, even more importantly, whether the item fits. A goal of your wardrobe revamp is creating a first go around of pieces for a week’s wearing. Bring in a consultant or a close friend to help if needed.
Gray hair, either the salt and pepper combination or pure white, for men and women has become more popular. Not yellow tones, though! Folks with auburn hair tones need to stay away from coloring that highlights yellow whites.
Most folks who capture their color in the eyebrows will look the best because it highlights true coloring. Gray eyebrows work well with those who have natural gray tones in the hair and even better with an accent of the natural hair coloring before going gray. The role of the eyebrows is to capture the eyes. Strong eyewear frames can offset gray eyebrows.
Posted on 22 May 2019 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Behaviors, Business Social Etiquette, Career Builders, Career Killers, Coaching, communication, Confidence, Confidence Builders, Culture, Emtional Intelligence, Leadership, Networking, Relationship Building
Affiliations offer companionship, respect, and safety which is why folks belong and groups grow. The negative side is when groups become one voice of yes people.
We all want relationships that bring a foundation. Beyond that, how do we retain our individuality with integrity and honesty yet keep the group strong? It is a question, I often ponder. Hopefully, groups will keep this issue on the forefront and avoid groupthink and shutting out different voices.
Understanding the audience and the way information is received takes awareness of reactions to light small talk. Practice key observations such what does the body language and facial expressions suggest? How do they ask or answer questions?
Begin to take mental notes. If the conversation is over the phone, listen to the pauses and the tone of voice when they speak. Remember, what may appear as a gentle question to you can feel harsh to the receiver. If a comment is made and the reaction perceived feels like a bull in a china shop, negate it by adding a softer comment. Successful leaders acquire much more capital when they avoid acting like the bull in a china shop.
Here we go again with the eye brows – eye brows should accent the eyes, not create a strong reaction like – what the heck is that on your face! Eye brow shapes including no eye brows, depend on the total face and how the hair frames it. The best eyebrows enhance rather than take away from the eyes. Do a test by taking a quick look in the mirror. Do your eyes blend in or shout out?
Posted on 20 November 2018 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Body Language, Brand Impact, Career Builders, Confidence, Facial Expressions, Leadership Presence, Personal Brand
The moment one walks in the door, before any words are spoken, folks will have decided unconsciously to remember or not remember you. Working with executives, they want to know: Do you represent the professional, personal, and the organizational brand well? Can you be a face of the organization?
To burnish your brand, Here are some items to keep in mind:
• Projecting confidence is number one. This includes the walk, posture, facial expression (smile), and a sense of where you are going.
• Clothing choices will connect you the audience through a choice of familiarity or for a shock effect.
• Elegance is a critical component.
Also, assume the audience will know nothing about you.
Posted on 04 October 2018 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Brand Impact, Career Builders, Confidence, Confidence Builders, Emtional Intelligence, Executive Presence, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Personal Brand, Professional Development
Build confidence by doing it. Practice bolsters confidence even when there is failure. In the early stages of my work, whether speaking to a group of 20 or to one thousand, it took constant practice to fortify my confidence.
Go to different events to study the styles of those who are really the best. Watch Oprah or Zig Ziglar and note their speech patterns and talking points. Receiving feedback, good and bad, will always help you improve as it did for me.
It is easy to talk about problems. However, if we approach them in a solution driven manner, the problems turn into endless opportunities. Asking how questions needing open ended answers as opposed to questions requiring yes and no answers, create possibilities for solutions. Keeping an optimistic outlook and seeking different opinions will help create a solution driven mind.
Posted on 04 September 2018 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Behaviors, Brand Impact, Career Builders, Career Killers, Coaching, communication, Compassion, Confidence, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Executive Presence, Leadership, Relationship Building
Holding a grudge really hurts the wronged person not the person responsible for the problem. It is not easy to let go of a grudge. However, it is tough to take the high road and rise above the it, especially when you feel hurt.
If you can get past it, though, the rewards are tremendous! Besides the respect of peers and leaders, you will love yourself more. Being wronged will happen many more times in life. And remember, it has been medically proven that folks who let go of hurts live longer and happier lives.