Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

Change One Thing is a superb book that gives excellent advice to help jumpstart your engine." Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Archive: Confidence Builders

When is too big really too big?

Fit on a garment is critical to visually adding or taking pounds off of your look. On shows or movies, the actors always appear slender. Some folks we know are naturally skinny. Others make sure they have just the right length on the shirt around the waist and sleeve.

How do we ensure our clothes fit right? If you have a tailor’s eye, use a full-length mirror to take a quick picture of yourself. Does your first impression put smile on your face? If not, take your items to a tailor for a professional opinion of the fit. This will provide a guideline on what works and what needs alterations. Begin with a few items a time.

One more tip is that the clothing must make you feel good, or as Marie Kondo suggests, ask:  Does it give you joy? if not, donate the items.

However, It is amazing when clothing fits properly!

Dealing with the larger than life person

Often, we must work with a person who takes up all the air in the room. With a larger than life personality this person can also be very fun to be with. If this individual is a group leader, sometimes, details and tasks never get addressed or completed.

Allow this person their moment and when there is a break in conversation, rejoin the discussion with the task in mind. Avoid trying to control this person but instead manage them. This happened at Thanksgiving with my larger than life youngest sister. Instead of trying to rein her in, I asked her to make the gravy and everything went back on track!

Confidence – do it!

Build confidence by doing it. Practice bolsters confidence even when there is failure. In the early stages of my work, whether speaking to a group of 20 or to one thousand, it took constant practice to fortify my confidence.

Go to different events to study the styles of those who are really the best. Watch Oprah or Zig Ziglar and note their speech patterns and talking points. Receiving feedback, good and bad, will always help you improve as it did for me.

The comeback style

The suit is back. It began last year with the blazer worn with skirts, dresses, and companion pants. In 2018, we see the suit surging. Fabrics and colors have become bolder. Shoulders for women look much more pronounced. For men the move is away from the soft shoulder.

In recent fashion magazine and red-carpet show openings, suits are being shown more often with women wearing them. The cuts of jackets appear closer to the waist for men and women.

Shift anxiety to motivation

In today’s work and personal environments, to accomplish all that is needed, we can easily become overwhelmed. This sometimes lead to anxiety. Harnessing the anxiety to shift it into motivation, is the best way change the emotion needed to move toward accomplishment. Taking note of the anxiety triggers will help turn the it into motivation to achieve the goal.


Apologies accepted

In a perfect world, mistakes are never made. However, in the real-world, mistakes are critical to growth and learning. It is also important to recognize that when a mistake is made, an apology might be needed. Apologies can be verbal or written. Sometimes, even a gift is sent with a note. The most important element is that the apology is offered. Too many times that does not occur, and that becomes the real mistake.

Feeling good

Walking into a room feeling good sets the tone for the rest of not only the event, but the remainder of the day. Remember, the first  impression of the day is the one you set for yourself. As author, Malcom Gladwell, suggested, “The first impression is a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

If you feel confident, those around you will too. Good fit and the right color of clothing choices are critical to feeling good about yourself. The correct clothing formula strengthens your comfort, well-being, and self-confidence to own the room you walk into!



Value of service

award cup.magesVolunteering is wonderful because it provides so many benefits to the volunteer and the organization.

For the volunteer, socialization, networking, teamwork, and in many cases, leadership development opportunities exist. The organization gets extra set of hands, another point of view, and awareness to others outside the organization.

I have benefited tremendously with my involvement with Toastmasters, AICI, the Chicago Minority Development Council, DuPage College, and the Graham Association for People with Disabilities. All help me in my work with corporations.

The handshake

networking-pic-gifA firm handshake:
1. Creates a first-time bond
2. Starts a relationship
3. Enables the other person to begin to know you
4. Says confidence
5. Allows sharing of a personal space
6. Is usually the only time one touches another person at work

This firm handshake is the initiator of hopefully a fruitful relationship beginning.

The power of silence

stop-panic-attacksOnce, in the middle of a heated disagreement, instead of getting into a debate, I used silence. Silence caused the other person to pause. I’m not sure whether the debate was resolved but it did allow space for some discussion around other solutions.

Silence is wonderful tool in many ways. It creates time to listen. It can control or manage a situation and inject air in the room. Sometimes, a lot of chatter generates too much noise and prevents clear thinking. Silence helps all parties pause and ponder.