Camaraderie and the Millennials
The dialog continues about the five generations in the work place and how each group possesses certain tendencies that set them apart. At times, the differences can cause unrest and friction in the office or factory. However, I believe the generations can learn from each other.
The one trait I admire the most is how the Millennials view camaraderie and collaboration as being critical to their success. They also value:
• Friendship
• Idea Sharing
• Trust
• A non-judgmental approach
Recently, I watched a group of Millennials work together for a week serving three meals a day and cleaning up for a group of 50. My observations suggested that they were happy to share responsibility and operate as a cohesive work group.
I also experienced this last year when I was interviewed for an article for a major university. The writer had several of her writer-friends review and edit the piece. I wondered if members of another generation would have done taken that approach.
Today, we have an extraordinary opportunity to learn from each other. And while each generation might view the world differently, we can all still join together to create a harmonious work and social environment.