Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

Change One Thing is a superb book that gives excellent advice to help jumpstart your engine." Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Archive: Career Builders

The visual pause

In choosing clothing items to wear, remember the visual pause of giving the eye enough time to absorb the image in mind. For example, there needs to be a backdrop or a visual point when wearing prints, to ether focus on the print with the other pieces remaining as solid colors. When there is no visual pause in the total outfit, the eye cannot take it all in, and the impact will be confusing.

Why and how – your personal brand

The moment one walks in the door, before any words are spoken, folks will have decided unconsciously to remember or not remember you. Working with executives, they want to know: Do you represent the professional, personal, and the organizational brand well? Can you be a face of the organization?

To burnish your brand, Here are some items to keep in mind:
• Projecting confidence is number one. This includes the walk, posture, facial expression (smile), and a sense of where you are going.
• Clothing choices will connect you the audience through a choice of familiarity or for a shock effect.
• Elegance is a critical component.

Also, assume the audience will know nothing about you.

Professional Photos

Recently, a colleague requested an opinion on several new professional photos she just posted. Most of the viewers were friends plus a few clients. The picture that received the most likes was the one I would have picked for her website.

The audience she solicited the opinions from is very similar to the market she is targeting. This brings us to the critical concept in selecting a professional photo: know the main goal of the photo other than personal preference. It is important that the photo fully represent the person in it.

The clothing elements, color, and style also worked for her. She was smart to take some photos with different color and style choices. The photographer was also wise to use different lighting to enhance her approachability in the photo.

Confidence – do it!

Build confidence by doing it. Practice bolsters confidence even when there is failure. In the early stages of my work, whether speaking to a group of 20 or to one thousand, it took constant practice to fortify my confidence.

Go to different events to study the styles of those who are really the best. Watch Oprah or Zig Ziglar and note their speech patterns and talking points. Receiving feedback, good and bad, will always help you improve as it did for me.

The comeback style

The suit is back. It began last year with the blazer worn with skirts, dresses, and companion pants. In 2018, we see the suit surging. Fabrics and colors have become bolder. Shoulders for women look much more pronounced. For men the move is away from the soft shoulder.

In recent fashion magazine and red-carpet show openings, suits are being shown more often with women wearing them. The cuts of jackets appear closer to the waist for men and women.

Shift anxiety to motivation

In today’s work and personal environments, to accomplish all that is needed, we can easily become overwhelmed. This sometimes lead to anxiety. Harnessing the anxiety to shift it into motivation, is the best way change the emotion needed to move toward accomplishment. Taking note of the anxiety triggers will help turn the it into motivation to achieve the goal.


Be solutions driven

It is easy to talk about problems. However, if we approach them in a solution driven manner, the problems turn into endless opportunities. Asking how questions needing open ended answers as opposed to questions requiring yes and no answers, create possibilities for solutions. Keeping an optimistic outlook and seeking different opinions will help create a solution driven mind.

Holding grudges

Holding a grudge really hurts the wronged person not the person responsible for the problem. It is not easy to let go of a grudge. However, it is tough to take the high road and rise above the it, especially when you feel hurt.

If you can get past it, though, the rewards are tremendous! Besides the respect of peers and leaders, you will love yourself more. Being wronged will happen many more times in life. And remember, it has been medically proven that folks who let go of hurts live longer and happier lives.

Sharing learning

Simon Sinek suggested that “Learning has greater value when we share what we learned”. Sharing learnings creates value for the person delivering and for the receiver (s). However, sometimes, people forget about the importance of the way and when the learnings are delivered.

When this information is given at a time a mistake has been made, it will look like a correction. The best time is to discuss in a sharing environment. The point I bring up to my clients and in workshops is to share what we have recently experienced that continues to help us learn.

Giving 110%

Giving 110% plus is easy when we are passionate about our work or project. The 110% plus comes naturally if the job is a natural fit for the needed skill set. When the passion is lacking, what can be done to create it? If passion is lacking because of time constraints and task overload, take a break from it. Whether you leave for an hour or half of a day, not thinking about the work will result in the energy needed. Passion and the drive to succeed needs to be organic or burn out occurs.