Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

Change One Thing is a superb book that gives excellent advice to help jumpstart your engine." Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Archive: Career

New Virtual Team

Virtual meetings present multiple challenges. This is especially true for new team members who are being introduced (virtually) to an existing team with a history of working together. Virtual introductions can be made easier by offering time in the first meeting for individuals to really get to know each other before business begins. An interactive discussion is helpful. Ask the team for suggestions as to how best to interact as a new team.

Clothing is a Symbol

Clothing choices can become a symbol and an identity. We are currently in a stay-at-home situation. It is very easy to become relaxed in our clothing choices (the apparel industry is having challenges). So why do we have to change outfits daily? After all, no one sees us. There are important reasons. Changing outfits, tops, pants, etc. every day gives us a sense of purpose. It can impact how we feel and give a sense of identity. When we don’t care how we look and what we wear, we can lose a sense of personal pride. This feeling can begin to erode our sense of identity and impact other choices we make.



Conference Call Etiquette

Below are 7 rules to use that will help ensure a successful conference call:

  1. Schedule the call with a minimum of one week of notice unless it is an emergency meeting (24 hours or less can be scheduled by telephone or by text depending upon the participants).
  2. Send a clear agenda and ask for approval or change requests to be submitted within 24 hours of the scheduled meeting date.
  3. Provide instructions as to the login and the code needed for login.
  4. Set up clear instructions at the beginning of the call regarding using the mute button.
  5. Set up guidelines for using the speaker phone setting on the call.
  6. Confirm all parties are present at the opening of the call. Also confirm the time allotted for the meeting.
  7. Have a wrap up of the meeting approximately 3-5 minutes before the close of the meeting.


Who Do You Know? – Building Capital for a Reserve

Changing business climates causes tremendous movement in organizations. Some business are merging, some are reducing their number of employees, others are being sold to another group. It is critically important in these times to have and to develop personal capital. Personal/Professional capital has many elements. The most important factor is who knows you. Who can be one of your champions? Champions are individuals who will recommend you as a go-to person for high-profile projects, help you grow as professional, and help you succeed in view of the decision makers. Personal capital also increases when you volunteer for projects and your input and assistance results in success.

Be Honest – But Wait for the Right Moment

Honesty is the best policy—at the right time. Being honest at the wrong time usually leads to friction and hurt feelings. Working with people who feel honesty is the best policy – even in the middle of difficult situations – I have witnessed that it has not always helped their careers. Instead, most often being honest at the wrong time has hurt their chances of upward movement.

Be On Time

Arriving on time or early to a commitment you’ve made is a key element of being a true professional. Recently, an organization I was working with told me that one of their major complaints was about people who were always late—whether to work, meetings, or interviews. Some people think that being late indicates they have high demands on their time (which may be true). However, it shows a lack of respect for the individuals they keep waiting and the time those individuals are wasting while waiting. Being late discounts a person’s professionalism and any capital, they may have previously earned.


The term “RSVP” is the abbreviation of the French phrase Réspondez s’il vous plait. It means “Please respond” – and it seems to be a dying habit. For years it was taken for granted that people would respond. Today, it’s a rarity to receive a response to an invitation. Non-responses are typical. Recently, I attended an event where the host had to track down invitees who had not responded. Why the rudeness? Not RSVPing shows a lack of etiquette and courtesy. It is good manners to respond within 24 hours of receiving the invite—even if just to say that you are not sure you are able to attend. After receiving the email invite regarding the recent event, I let the host know I might not be able to attend due to having a conflict with another event. The host was thrilled to receive the “maybe”. True professionals respond to their emails within 24 hours. One organization’s CEO has the firm rule that her staff members answer communications within 24 hours. It is a good rule for individuals and for businesses.


Resumes that Get a Second Look

When preparing interviewees, I often must stress the critical need for their resumes to be crisp and clear. The resumes that stand out are the ones that reflect your accomplishments and how you achieved them. For example, the leader of a sales team may state on his or her resume that the team generated X amount of revenue, exceeding expectations of monthly goals. A strong resume states not only your skills, but the impact you can make on the organization. Be sure your resume and talking points make the individual interviewing you realize that your skills are a good fit for the organization.

Shift anxiety to motivation

In today’s work and personal environments, to accomplish all that is needed, we can easily become overwhelmed. This sometimes lead to anxiety. Harnessing the anxiety to shift it into motivation, is the best way change the emotion needed to move toward accomplishment. Taking note of the anxiety triggers will help turn the it into motivation to achieve the goal.


Be solutions driven

It is easy to talk about problems. However, if we approach them in a solution driven manner, the problems turn into endless opportunities. Asking how questions needing open ended answers as opposed to questions requiring yes and no answers, create possibilities for solutions. Keeping an optimistic outlook and seeking different opinions will help create a solution driven mind.