Anna Soo Wildermuth

Welcome to Personal Images, Inc.!

Here I'll give you up to date tips on developing your personal and professional image to ensure your first impression will be your best impression. Also I will blog about current image and communication blunders. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting my blog. – Anna

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Archive: Business Etiquette

When you are wrong

Because we are not perfect human beings and business is so fast paced, it is easy to make a mistake. The real key is how you recover from a mistake.

It is hard to apologize and own up to a mistake, especially when the person pointing out the error act obnoxiously. However, this does not change the fact that we must apologize or admit we were wrong when that is the case.

It is best to admit you made a mistake sooner rather than later. Depending on the mistake and how it is pointed out to you, it can be done via a phone call, face to face or with an e-mail. Do not defend it and then apologize. The key is to admit it and move on. When you can do this it shows professional grace under fire.

When you are new, don’t be the smartest person in the room

People like smart people only when the smart person tells them they are smart. A new series called Suits on USA, showcases a hotshot Harvey Specter attorney with his new associate. The new associate, Mike Ross, is brilliant. He gets more done and is accepted better by being low key and unassuming.

Here are some tips:

• Ask the question instead of telling them what you know. This will enable them to circle back to you.
• Never say I told you so.
• Even if you know it, let them tell you the answer. Then agree with them.

Follow these simple tips and you will earn more respect and be considered inclusive instead of intrusive.

The long and the short

How short should shorts be and how long should one wear their hair?
It continues to amaze me how some do not consider their age or size and think they look cool while what’s going through the mind of an observer is “What were you thinking?”

For example, at a recent business event I attended, a person over 40 was wearing very short shorts. Plus, her hair (white) was down to the middle of her back. It was still a business event and frankly, over a certain age, unless you look like Rachel Welch or Jennifer Aniston, don’t even think about it. This also goes for men.

Business conversations

It is important to keep politics, religion and social topics out of business conversations. I have two wonderful colleagues that get along very well. However, they are on opposite sides of certain issues. So, when we are together everything is good until a discussion comes up about _____________.

In order to make sure these difficult conversations do not derail your career, here are some phrases to use:

• This is a difficult subject and I have not yet formed a strong opinion
• I would like to think some more about this subject
• I have been thinking about this but still forming an opinion
• I see where you are coming from and I am still evolving
• Let’s agree to disagree

Using some of these phrases may help you answer without giving your opinion. Another recommendation might be that you can change the subject immediately. This will indicate that you do not want to talk about it.

The main idea in a business situation is that small talk should be inclusive and not intrusive. Personal opinions can only be shared with very close friends.

Blackberry Etiquette

Don’t we all agree how annoying it can be when you are with someone and they are constantly checking their PDA or Blackberry?

Do not become one of those folks no one wants to be with because you are constantly looking at your Blackberry instead of paying attention to the person/people you are with:

Check your blackberry if you will be getting information for your party (like a dining location or transportation plans).
Turn off your Blackberry during dinner, a meeting or any social event.
Keep your Blackberry on vibrate if you are in an emergency situation.

Look at your Blackberry during a meeting.
Look at your Blackberry when dining.
Look at your Blackberry at the theatre or movie house.
Put your Blackberry on the table.
Don’t check your Blackberry while driving or walking down the street (you can get hurt or hurt someone else).

Follow these guidelines and you will professionally connect to those around you.

Your Professional Email Presence

Your e-mail presence has the same impact, if not more than, a face to face meeting. I often receive e-mails without a signature or sometimes with just a first name.

I am not speaking about emails between family or close friends. This is about your professional e-mail presence.

Email basics:

The basic email signature is at the end of the communication. It lists your name, company name and phone number.

Avoid a color or patterned background because the text may be too difficult to read.

Keep the fonts simple (sans serif like Calibri or Arial is better on email) and at least 12 pts.

If you decide to use a picture – test it by emailing it to yourself. You want to make sure the image looks the same to the receiver

Using these guidelines will validate your professional e-mail presence.

Tell Me About Yourself (TMAY)

In Wednesday’s Tribune, a ChicagoLandExtra article talks about TMAY developed by Wayne Gru, an adjunct professor at Robert Morris University. He uses this technique to help students talk about themselves. They write a script containing personal information and speak it out loud several times in a conversational manner.

This helps the students present themselves in a more confident manner when meeting new people. This exercise is critical for everyone when networking and especially when interviewing for a job or presenting in front of a group.

The main key for most adults is to recognize that we need several scripts to exude confidence for the appropriate audience. Practice and keep notes on how effective each TMAY is for your different audiences. It will increase your confidence.

Invisible to Visible

So many times folks complain they feel invisible at work social events. They often feel very uncomfortable. They feel ignored. They don’t like small talk because it feels trite.

Avoid that by being visible. That is, be in the moment and enjoy meeting people. I recommend going to a networking event at least twice a month with the purpose of honing these skills.

Bring up a great book, movie or play you have seen. Travel is always interesting to talk about especially when you can give tips to others about what you liked about the location. Always be the first to introduce yourself with a smile and a handshake. When you do this you will never be invisible.

The Drama Queen

How many folks do we know who live in a perpetual drama where everything is a crisis? We all have experienced a setback or hurt that is hard to get over. Or maybe a friend will drag us into their life and we become a participant of the drama.

Here are some guidelines that will help you avoid drama queen status.

1.It is acceptable to unload on a close friend or friends once or twice but be sure you ask their permission first.
2.Refrain from talking about your issue all the time.
3.Thank people politely when they ask how you are by replying “Thanks for asking.”

Remember these three tips and friends won’t feel like running in the opposite direction when they see you!

The Wow Factor

When speaking to a group, a key in connecting to the audience is the “Wow Factor.”

The Wow is grabbing the audience immediately by:

• Asking the question that will answer ‘What’s in it for me?’
• Throughout the talk draw in the audience by referring to them. It’s even better if you can point out a person using their name.
• When speaking, radiate high voice energy and dynamic body language.
• Validate audience issues by treating them intelligently.
• Always connect the dots when speaking by providing a road map to your point.

Keeping these tips in mind when speaking you will alway be engaging your audience.