Posted on 21 May 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Attitude, Career Builders, communication, Culture, Derailers, Leadership, Leadership Presence, Lifestyle, Networking, Work life Balance
Recently in workshop for a Fortune 100 client, the questions came up on how people stay engaged when working from a home office, especially for months on end.
1.Dress as if you are going to the office in business casual attire. Not in pajamas or clothes you would clean the garage in. Dressing up will make you feel professional especially in an isolated setting. Ugly is working in your pajamas. It starts out feeling good but ends up making you feel unaccountable.
2.Do not eat lunch in your home office. Dining out keeps your socialization skills active.
3.Talk to folks in the office. Use FaceTime or Skype so you are on decision makers minds for any projects that may be good for your career mobility.
4.Take on special projects that will keep you visible with leadership.
There is always room for improving processes that go into making a great project. Not long ago, I worked on a project that a few years later would be upgraded. When being reworked, the new team began to tell me all the processes that did not work in in the first iteration. I never said anything even though I worked on the first effort which came out well. I thought, things change and nothing really needed to be said about the prior project. Change happens, handle it with grace.
Posted on 04 May 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Color, Leadership Presence, Men's Appearance, Men's business casual, Men's wardrobe, Presentation Visual Impact, Women Wardrobe, Women's Appearance
The new trend is wearing bold on bold in patterns and colors. It is the fashion industry trying to mix it up. I myself love the new trends. However in my profession, the center of attention is on the client and the audience so I stay more conservative in my dress.
But in my personal world, I like living large! All my sport clothing is in bright yellows, greens and pinks. I have yet to embrace the patterned leggings, though, maybe next year. I have encouraged my C-suite clients and friends, men and women, to add bits of boldness to their accessories. For the women, larger necklaces and very smart print underpinnings look good with their black and gray suits.
Men can wear the tie and shirt selections with a bold print in the tie and pick a shirt color to match the suit. They can do the bold stripe socks as long the sock is in the same color family. Recently, a client wore a grey striped sock with his gray suit. It was fun but not distracting. Having fun with clothing selections will definitely make you feel more uplifted.
Working with a client to help him strengthen how he communicated with senior management, we decided to have another member of his firm sit in to give some feedback. Every time we started, his colleague interrupted to share his point of view how my client could do it better.
This went on for about 40 minutes when I finally asked all feedback be given after the taping was over. The rules were that he could only use this phrase “This is how you can strengthen” not, “This is not the way to do it”.
The reality is that when you are inclusive, it empowers the person being coached. It does not take them down. Empowering boosts confidence and confidence encourages folks to try new methods of action and thought.
Posted on 19 March 2015 Comments (0)
Tags: Anna's Posts, Appearance, Attitude, Behaviors, Body Language, Career Builders, communication, Culture, Derailers, Interviewing skills, Leadership Presence, Men's Appearance, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Building, Speaking Skills, Women's Appearance
It is often said that our eyes are the window to the world. They are also are how folks read you. Eye contact is critical when first meeting someone because it shows engagement and that you are focused on what they are saying. It also will help you remember names and something about them.
Eyes, when looking down, up, to the right or to the left, do not send a good message. In some cases, it shows nervousness and even deception in a reply.
Recently I have been interviewing folks on the phone for a special project for a client. Here are a few do’s for interviewees:
• Do give a mobile phone number that has good voice clarity
• Do give hours that you are available for an interview
• Do be able to answer questions like why we should engage you for the project
• Do apply for the role only if you have a current background in the field
• Do give a snapshot of your background in less than three minutes
• Do include impact statements (how your actions have positively affected a situation) in your background snapshot
Use these 6 do’s in your phone interview and you will have a very good chance of landing the role you want.
Recently, I was out with folks who like to have a cocktail and wine with their meals. Since for me, one glass of wine is more than enough for an evening, I usually order a club soda with a lime. I will order that glass of wine with my meal if everyone is having one.
It would be the same for a business event. For hosts, I recommend no more than two glasses of wine with one cocktail. Liquor can loosen one’s tongue which can lead to revealing things that would be better left unsaid.
This is a list of my not so favorite workshop distractions:
• The attendee who wishes you would finish before you start by looking at their watch 10 minutes into the presentation
• The poker/frowning face
• The chatter box who constantly talks to the person next to them
• The arms crossed over the body, totally closed to listening to any observations
• The naysayer who will challenge whatever I might say with another point of view
• The note taker who never looks up
If you happen to have any one of these folks in your class, never look at them. Focus on a friendly face and you will have a positive experience.
Simon O. Sinek is an author best known for popularizing the concept of “The Golden Circle” and to “Start With Why”, described by TED as “a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership” It offers these seven tips to ensure you will have a dynamic presentation:
1. Do not talk right away, wait until the audience gives you their attention
2. It is about what you can give the audience
3. Have a compelling personal story
4. Focus on a friendly face
5. Don’t listen or look at naysayers
6. Talk much slower than you normally do
7. Always thank the audience
Task person
s are individuals who are great at getting the job done. The areas where they need to pay attention are being more sensitive to the nuances of building relationships such as developing small talk as well as appropriate facial expressions and body language. These silent messages are critical to understanding and connecting to people.
Then, there are the people persons who are great at building relationships and connecting to the audience. Those folks never lack in the area of people skills but lack the skills to get the job done.
To help fully develop skills spend time with and observe those who are the opposite of you. You will learn to pick the skills you need to grow in a very balanced way.