mer time is great for stylish sandals. However, there can be a problem for women who cannot wear sandals because they lack support. This especially affects those have to insert orthotic insoles which take an extra size shoe.
Just recently I was with a client who experienced this issue. To cope with it, she wore clunky, wide, comfort shoes. But they looked like black work shoes. I recommended she buy colorful shoes because they would look funky but fun. Dansko is a wonderful brand with fun styles that turn what may be unattractive shoes into a pair of stylish footwear.
I have always
hesitated to wear eyeliner because most of the time it ends up smearing and running down to the lower eye lash lids. But, the correct thickness of eyeliner on your eyelids will make your eyes pop and fresh looking. The challenging part is finding a liner that is easy to use and that does not have a tendency to run. Eye liner like that will always enhance your eyes.
On this topic, congratulations are in order for Bobby Brown! She has come up with a wonderful gel eyeliner pencil. I have used it for a week now and it does not run or smear.
Jewelry st
yles change rapidly. This can cause classic pieces to appear a bit dated and matronly looking at times. However, fashion, business social and lifestyle trends are also so fast moving that I don’t recommend throwing anything out. Temporarily retiring the jewelry might make the most sense.
Balance and shape, referring to hair and clothing, dramatically impact accessory choices also. We have moved from the Dynasty look (big statement pieces) to the understated where people cannot tell you are even wearing any earrings.
Necklaces have moved from, big, shiny, even gaudy pieces to natural stones and delicate gold chains. My recommendation is to be very aware of the statement you want to make and enhance it with a contemporary look.
Heels have been reinvented these last few years shifting from the classic look to many different toe shapes and heel heights. In addition, we are seeing women wearing different color heels. Colors are moving away from blacks/reds to greens and other interesting hues and tones.
What are the colors we can wear that will compliment an outfit with an elegant look while avoiding a cheap appearance? A quick tip is to ask: Does the shoe add to the outfit and look rich while doing so?
Choose the shoes closest to the impact you want with the overall look which might mean different heels for a serious versus a casual appearance.
The first lady, Michelle Obama, wore purple gloves instead of the traditional black ones in the Inaugural parade. Why did the purple work? First, it was a quiet touch while being just enough to notice and for folks to spot her as she waved to them. It was also in the same color family and tone of the navy blue coat.
Purple ended up being perfect as an accent color and worked well for the gloves. They definitively replaced the black and were elegant at the same time. Would it have been the same had she worn purple pumps or boots? No.
Emerald is “a lively, radiant, lush, vivid, verdant green” which “enhances our sense of well-being further by inspiring insight, as well as promoting balance and harmony” as quoted by Pantone.
Green also represents money and nature. Think of adding this color with an accessory, like a tie, pin or scarf. Recently, green nail polish has replaced the tangerine one. Use the color sparingly, though. (You can always wait until St. Patrick’s Day!)
In a recent Oprah magazine article, red lipstick was touted as the new lipstick color. For example, Taylor Swift only wears red lipstick with a touch of blush on her cheeks. This accentuates her eyes and has become her signature look.
My recommendation is to use the red lipstick for night wear only. Use a more natural color for the day time. Definitely experiment with it by having a professional help you in choosing the right red. It should make you feel a bit glamorous as opposed to clownish.
Today you see many folks on television wearing eyewear. They are usually wearing the latest fashion trend which is black eyewear frames. You can tell the frames that work well as well as the ones where you say to yourself – what are you thinking. The key element is that the frame must fit the face and not be too wide or deep.
Black eyewear can make a difference because it can cause the viewer to focus on your eyes. Remember, they must enhance your eyes, not hide them. If they do, your eyes will be an attention grabber.
The holiday season has just begun and many retailers are hoping holiday neckties will sell through the roof. What makes a holiday tie a good one vs. one in bad taste? A solid holiday color or a small print of holiday items (Christmas holly or candy, etc.) on the tie will look elegant. Cartoon holiday ties that feature a reindeer laughing, Santa saying ho-ho-ho or a large picture of a snow man might be fun in the right business environment. However, it is risky and can be seen as showing poor taste.
Think small prints in Christmas red or green and your holiday elegance will be on full display!
It can be hard to resist the temptation to wear ornament earrings (especially the lit ones) or reindeer ears as a head band because is fun. But don’t do it at the office. Remember that ornaments look best on a tree and reindeer ears on a dog. They can also be fun to wear at family functions.
For the professional environment, a red necklace or red scarf will appropriately ring in the holiday cheer with your wardrobe.