‘Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.”— Charles R. Swindoll
January Tips For Communication & Image Success
Tip for Organizations:
We want to jump start the New Year with getting our team thinking about the projects that will be successful for them and the organization.
An effective process is to have each […]
Monthly Tips
December 2015 Business Case Study
The Situation: Impromptu conversation
Jane is the CEO of a highly visible organization. She is always asked to speak about company activities at the last minute but she tends to ramble a bit without getting to the point. We need her to be more succinct while keeping the attention of the audience.
The Solution:
We began slowly by […]
December 2015 Monthly Tips
Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day. Jim Rohn
December Tips For Communication & Image Success
Tip for Organizations:
What are a few tips for our high potentials that might help them continue to develop their brand while getting the attention of senior leaders?
Ask the high potentials to list how they have impacted […]
November 2015 Business Case Study
The Situation:
Creating a Leadership Presence for the C-suite
Adam has been recommended several times to lead the company but feedback indicates he lacks a leadership presence. He also can seem a bit frazzled at times, is not always engaging and his appearance seems thrown together. Adam’s technical skills, knowledge of the company and handle on the […]
November 2015 Monthly Tips
Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can’t buy friendships. Lindsay Fox
November Tips For Communication & Image Success
Tip for Organizations:
We have some key associates who are brilliant in the work they handle for the group. However, they lack interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively function well within […]
October 2015 Business Case Study
The Situation:
Business Casual to Professional Dress
The Solution:
Jim has been promoted to a vice president and now will be meeting once a quarter with members of the C-suite. His background is in operations where he mainly interfaced with manufacturing staff at their facilities. His wardrobe consists of jeans, khaki pants, a few polo shirts and one […]