The Situation: Building a high performing team
Hillary wants to be able to turn her team into high performing group. In the three years she has been the leader, there has been a lack of clear communication between members and herself.
The Solution:
Hillary began delivering clear expectations with accountability for each team member. A member set expectations […]
Monthly Tips
April 2018 Business Case Study
The Situation: Overcoming fear of failure
Jim was being considered for a promotion along with three other candidates. He struggles with the fear of failure which sometimes keeps him from accomplishing what is needed to get this position.
The Action Plan and Solution:
Jim started to identify the intellectual and emotional barriers that created obstacles to moving forward […]
April 2018 Monthly Tips
A leader will take people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. Rosalynn Carter, Former first lady
April Tips For Professional Success
Tip for Organizations:
Our company is going through major changes with folks experiencing lays offs due to cutbacks. How do we motivate our […]
March 2018 Business Case Study
The Situation: Crucial Conversations
Jan was with the group for more than five years before she received the promotion in early 2017 to a team leader role. During the five years as a member of the group, she developed close friendships in and outside of the office. Since being assigned as the lead, the group has […]
March 2018 Monthly Tips
“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” Chris Grosser
March Tips For Professional Success
Tip for Organizations:
We have a group of professionals not receiving promotions because of their fear of public speaking.
Speaking in front of groups is critical to be heard and to create visibility. Toastmasters is a great organization that helps folks feel more comfortable in speaking to […]
January 2018 Business Case Study
The Situation: Leadership Best Practices
2017 was filled with professionals dealing with unsettling changes in their organizations. They hit walls of resistance with themselves and senior teams. Expectations were unrealistic on both sides.
The Solution:
Secured a clear understanding of the client and senior management unified goals and identifying what was realistic and what needed modification. With some, […]