The Situation:Coaching not leading
Robert has a high maintenance direct report. The employee comes to him frequently with repeated problems. Robert has been coaching him but even as the problem gets resolved, it feels like any progress is two steps forward and one step back. The coaching takes up a good portion of Robert’s time without consistent positive results coming from this direct report.
The Solution/Action Plan:
Robert now realizes coaching is not about providing the solution to his direct report. It is about influencing the direct report to provide solutions on his own. Robert now coaches by not providing answers but instead, by asking questions for the direct report to answer.
The Outcome:
After the successful coaching, Robert spends some time with the direct report but only when he shares an outcome that benefits the group. This allows Robert to devote more time to strategically think about ways to move the group forward in producing the new outcomes that senior management has requested.
A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life. John Wooden