The Situation: Corporate position to business owner
Jane left her senior position in a major company. She is struggling with managing the new business she started. In her previous job, Jane had an assistant who helped manage the team. Now, Jane is in her second year of the business and is running herself ragged. Staff morale is very low. In fact, keeping staff has also become a problem.
The Solution/Action Plan:
Jane realizes that hiring a second in charge to run the daily operations is critical. In interviewing folks, she needs to interview and find a high-energy assistant who possesses other skills to balance the areas lacking in Jane’s leadership and daily management style.
The Outcome:
It has been almost a year and Jane now has an assistant capably handling the daily business operations. Jane also came to the realization that one the success areas in her previous life was not bringing work home every day. The family life became a respite and a place to recharge. The assistant helped Jane get some of that back and has been a tremendous help running the business.
A good coach can win a game. A great coach can change a life. John Wooden