The Situation:
Creating a Leadership Presence for the C-suite
Adam has been recommended several times to lead the company but feedback indicates he lacks a leadership presence. He also can seem a bit frazzled at times, is not always engaging and his appearance seems thrown together. Adam’s technical skills, knowledge of the company and handle on the direction needed to grow the firm were sound. The concern remined about whether he could influence and lead the senior leaders and board of directors.
The Solution:
During this year-long engagement, Adam and I met every other week for two hours or more for the first three months. Our meetings included strategizing his goals for a final board presentation about what he would bring to the table to drive the future of the company. We videotaped him and assessed how he interacted with other groups in the organization as the face of the company.
Our work included assembling a new wardrobe that incorporated some pieces already wore. The goal was to create a wardrobe with multiple uses for trips and presentations throughout the year to subsidiaries of the organization. Adam practiced his final speech numerous times and adjusted after each practice. He had to be conversational, passionate and recognized as the legitimate face of the organization.
The Outcome:
Adam was elected President by the majority of the senior leaders and with the blessing of the retiring president.
A smile is the universal language of kindness. William Arthur Ward