A simple pause of silence between friends, even if merely for one beautiful second, is a chance for their souls to mingle and truly appreciate the intricacies of each other. Author Unknown
April Tips For Communication & Image Success
Tip for Organizations:
How do we guide our folks on how to be productive when they attend networking events?
Encourage them to introduce and get to know at least two or three individuals that they do not know. Also, give them an assignment. For example, ask them to find out about a new restaurant or an interesting place they need to be sure to see. Have them bring this information back and make it a part of your debriefing session.
Communication Question:
Often, I get e-mails and after reading them, I am not sure what the message is about! How do I respond without sounding incompetent?
I would recap the e-mail and close it with the comment that you are unsure of the issue. However, also provide two examples of what you think the e-mail is about and any additional thoughts you have.
Presence Question:
I am confused as to what is appropriate business casual for outside retreats?
The location is critical to determining how casual you can be. If possible, check with a colleague who has been to this event. But never wear clothing that looks like it belongs at a picnic or at the beach.
The Art of Business and Social Interaction®
When entering an event for the first time, how can I squelch my nervousness and appear confident?
Walk to the center of the room and introduce yourself to a group of three folks or more. If there are only groups of two chose one that does not appear to be engrossed in a deep conversation. You can tell that by their facial and body language.